Photo Credit:
Marc Belzberg

Yes, we Jews are a “stiff-necked”people, imbued with a survivalist instinct. But that doesn’t mean we should ever accept a situation where we can be systematically targeted by murderers.

September 1939 and September 2011 were wake-up calls to rise up against tyranny and terrorism, which engulfed Jews and non-Jews alike.


In1939 the world failed to believe that Hitler meant what he said. Not even eight decades after the Holocaust, the world’s great powers are agreeing to give Iran, a country that has vowed to destroy Israel, the ability to do Hitler’s job much more efficiently.

This holiday season, we need to remind the nations of the world, including our allies, that Santayana’s adage is still true: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


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Marc Belzberg is chairman of OneFamily (, a Jerusalem-based organization that rebuilds, rehabilitates, and reintegrates into society victims of terror and war in Israel