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Instead of once more validating Abba Eban’s statement that the “Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity,” we can only hope that Abbas will change course.

Now is the time to disassociate himself and the P.A. from the terrorists of Hamas and join with the moderate forces in the region that are striving to end Islamic fundamentalism and move forward on a path of progress and hope.


Based on his most recent actions, however, it is doubtful that Abbas will have the moral courage needed to make the hard choice and put his people on the right side of history. Personally, I am even more skeptical than many of my colleagues that Abbas will make such a move.

What needs to be made clear, however, by the governments of Israel and the United States is that unilateral actions and diplomatic warfare by the Palestinians will no longer be met with defensive hesitation. There can be real tools that can be used against such actions and we should not shy away from using them.



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Member of Knesset Danny Danon is Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and Chairman of the World Likud.