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The dollar-shekel eschange rate history.

There is no more effective way to close socio-economic gaps than to improve the education of children whose parents can’t afford tutors or summer school. Of course, like elsewhere, the teachers’ union will do everything it can to prevent such a change, but dictators need not take account of such things.

There are many more things a dictator could do, but the steps I laid out are enough to turn Israel into one of the most flourishing and wealthy countries in the world. By the way, in order to carry out these steps – especially those related to taxes – there’s no need for a dictator, just a brave Prime Minister. The problem is that the odds of that are the same as me being named dictator…


{Article by Gilad Alper is an analyst with Excellence-Nessuah Brokerage//English translation by Avi Woolf}


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