The most protected religion is Islam. Plunge a Bible into a glass container of filth and you will be hailed as an inspired artist and feted. Plunge a Koran into the same filth and you will be lucky if the worst that happens to you is jail.

This is not even to speak of the breakdown of English society, where the most officially favored types of “family” structures are single motherhood and homosexuality. Nor is it to mention the government’s policy of encouraging mass third world immigration into one of the most overcrowded and overpopulated countries in Europe.


The intellectual, cultural, and political elites in the UK are thoroughly anti-American. Obama might lessen the hatred – though he cannot get rid of it – if he agrees to wreck American power and be Europe’s poodle in all matters.

This is the background to the cancer that is eating away at the UK as a nation and society and in which can be found the roots of the country’s other affliction: anti-Semitism. In England, at least, the fig leaf that anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism has thoroughly withered away.

Muslims and leftists openly demonstrate for the death of Jews – of Jews, not Zionists. Counter by showing an Israeli flag or shouting a pro-Jewish slogan at such a demonstration and the police will arrest you for provocation. But say anything that even hints at negativity about Muslims and you will be arrested and vilified.

One senior Labor Party figure was recently labeled a racist and had to issue a groveling apology because he could not understand a person with a thick Glasgow accent (an accent that can be extremely unintelligible).

Of course the UK is not alone in this. Many other European countries are no better. But then, anti-Semitism is a Europe-wide disease.

If America is hated, Israel and Jews are passionately loathed as the cause of all that is evil in the world. The hatred of Jews and Israel is visceral, and no lie about Jews or opportunity to demonize Israel is passed up. This is as true of England as it is of the rest of Europe. The credit crunch, financial meltdown due to bankers’ greed and Bernard Madoff have not made the situation better, especially as the supposedly “Jewish-controlled” U.S. is seen as the source of all problems.

The British government recently proactively banned the Israeli nationalist Moshe Feiglin from entering the UK, even though Feiglin had no plans to come to the country. It banned Dutch MP Geert Wilders because he had the temerity to speak plainly about the nature of Islam today. It banned an American fundamentalist preacher because he is against that sacred cow of the English elite, homosexuality.

But when a genocide-encouraging spokesman for Hizbullah wanted to come to the UK, it took tremendous pressure from outside the government to prevent him from obtaining a visa. But he can apply again, and it’s anyone’s guess if outside pressure will work the next time around.

What the British government in effect said to the country’s Jews was: You stymied us this time, but you’d better keep a few packed bags ready.


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