Instead, they compulsively persevere in their relentless terrorism.

The so-called Palestinian liberation movement has from its inception been based entirely upon addiction to terrorism. For decades ‘Palestinians’ have killed schoolchildren, hijacked jumbo jets and luxury liners, murdered Israeli Olympic athletes, shot families on the road and blown up buses. They remain consistent. The Madrid Conference, Oslo Agreement, Wye Memorandum, Camp David Interim Agreements, Tenet Plan, Mitchell Plan, Zinni Plan, Burns Plan, Saudi Plan, and Road Map Plan are all variants on the same theme. In exchange for promises, they get their way. They are no different from other addicts who defer the negative consequences of their addiction by assenting to rehabilitation plans.


There are certain intractable addictions that reach a point of no return. The only remedy is to prevent physical access to the alcohol, drugs, etc. Terrorism has become an intractable addiction for the so-called Palestinian people. For the ecstasy of the adrenalin high that the family, friends, and supporters feel after each bloody attack upon the infidels, children are molded to participate in suicide missions. The vicarious arousal of the defeat of the infidels is memorialized in hundreds of years of conquest and sahibs are promised carnal pleasures not attainable in a lifetime.

Just as rehabilitation plan after rehabilitation plan proves useless for many downward-spiral alcoholics and drug addicts, peace plan after peace plan fails and will continue to fail because of the ‘Palestinian’ addiction.

There is no political or military solution. Negotiating with the so-called Palestinians is as fruitful as a family negotiating with an addict. The Palestinian Authority’s empty promises and endless manipulations force those around them into the never-ending cycle of the classic script. It starts with so-called Palestinian people finding rescuers whom they use and turn into patsies. When the patsies realize they have been had, they become the persecutors. The existence of a persecutor then justifies the terrorism to the ‘Palestinian’ terrorism addicts.

There is no remediation for the intractable addict. The only remedy is containment and preventing access to the object of their addiction.

The day after the road map goes up in smoke, we have to accept the bitter reality that talk is useless and we have to alternative but to act. The lawlessness in the Arab cities and towns must end. Israeli law must be equally applied to all residents. Their identity must be restored. They are Jordanians or Egyptians who now are permanent residents of Israel. Those who are unhappy here must be given the opportunity to emigrate. Those who are security risks must be deported.

Most important, there must be buffer zones. There must be buffer zones to prevent the possibility of attack. Certainly around every Jewish holy site and tomb there must be a two-kilometer buffer zone, to prevent Jews from being within range of snipers and bombers. Around each Jewish community and along the roads of Judea and Samaria there must also be a two-kilometer buffer zone. Arabs who have houses and farms within these buffer zones and can prove ownership with papers defining the chain of title from the Ottoman, British, and Jordanian records should be compensated. Others are squatters who have no rights to the land.


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Shmuel Nuemann resides in the Shomron region of Israel, where he is actively involved in creating communities for English-speaking olim and an emigration plan for Palestinians. He maintains the following websites: and