Photo Credit: courtesy
NY lawmakers view vandalized Jewish graves on Mount of Olives.

“The violence, as described, relates directly to the sovereignty issue again. The Arab agenda is: ‘If we can terrorize visitors/residents so they no longer frequent an area, we can wrest control by default. If we can wrest control, we can undermine sovereignty.’

· Are Jews visiting the area safe?


“That depends. A visitor is relatively safe in the area facing the Temple Mount. If you venture to the back 2/3 areas, which we sadly call the Wild East, you should either go with your own protection (many are carrying pepper spray if not licensed guns), or with an armed escort provided by the government.”

· Are graves being desecrated?

“They were being badly desecrated until 2013. With the installation of 137 security cameras and a police substation, both of which we had lobbied hard for, we thought we had the desecrations under control. There was a marked decrease in 2013 going into the first half of 2014. As eastern Jerusalem was roiling during the Gaza war, and subsequently into the Fall of 2014, we also saw a sharp uptick in smashed and defaced gravestones. Not coincidentally, the desecrations were accompanied by the toppling or burning of cameras.”

4) What role does or has it been playing with regard to any “peace process” negotiations with the Palestinian Arabs?

“With Israel having agreed to make Jerusalem’s disposition a subject of final status negotiations, per the Oslo Accords, it has become more difficult in the interim to assert sovereignty, and take the steps needed via the rule of law. Another example of this is the de facto permitted illegal construction of an HH mosque extension abutting the cemetery, PM Menachem Begin’s grave in particular, despite a Jerusalem municipality stop-work order. The Israel Office had been monitoring and complaining about that over a protracted period, but the situation has reached the point of being too late to oppose further.

“The Holy Basin, with HH spanning its eastern rim, is especially exposed to microscopic international scrutiny. Every action, or inaction, attracts international censure and sanctions. In order to regain control and restore order, Israel must declare that since the PA is in material breach of the very same Oslo Accords — signed agreements that were witnessed by the US, EU, Russia et al — it will once again resume full assertion of sovereignty in all of Jerusalem.”

5) What can American Jews do to help secure and protect it?

“a) Join ZOA ISRAEL’s efforts in partnership with the ICPHH (International Committee for the Preservation of Har Hazeitim); b) Contact U.S. government officials to take steps if an American is killed or seriously injured. U.S. law mandates official follow-up, including prosecution of perpetrators; c) Contact the Government of Israel to let its representatives know you are concerned about the violence, along with the desecrations and vandalism. You might imply that increased personal security on HH would have a salutary effect on tourism; d) And contact ZOA’s office in Israel if you want to help us create a ferment of Diaspora opposition to the status quo. After all, HH is part of the entire Jewish people’s heritage. We, in Israel, are merely your trustees.”

6) Is there any pending legislation in the US, Israel, UN?

“In Israel, we arranged for the translation into Hebrew of an Illinois statute on cemeteries desecration and a Florida statute on rock throwing (researched by ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice head, Susan Tuchman), and shopped both, more stringent approaches, around the Knesset. In addition, we initiated many a discussion about penalties for parents when the culprits are under age, and minimum sentencing for older culprits, to strengthen the deterrence factor. All was received favorably. However, government-sponsored legislation waiting in the pipeline was derailed with the disbanding of the Knesset, so we’ll have to revisit that after the elections.


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Lee Bender is the co-author of "Pressing Israel: Media Bias Exposed From A-Z" (Pavilion Press), and co-president of the Zionist Organization of America-Greater Philadelphia District.