Techniques for this type of institutional diplomacy run the gamut from dialogue and neutral inspectors to peacekeepers, economic sanctions and boycotts. The “rule of law” rather than military might must be the instrument for settling international disputes. Accordingly, Dr. Dean in his abortive campaign for the presidency refused to pre-judge the guilt of Osama bin Laden for 9/11 barring any such finding by a court of law.

At bottom, the attack of the post-nationalists on the unilateral use of American power is not based merely on so-called bullying abroad, but is rather a manifestation of the ongoing cultural war. The question comes down to which side holds the morally superior position — the post-nationalists relying on the sagacity of a supposedly united world community, or a president imbued not in the brutal ways of Hobbes or Machiavelli, but with the sense of mission to use this nation’s strategic might to preserve freedom against the barbarians that lurk.


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Ron Rubin is the author of several books including “A Jewish Professor’s Political Punditry: Fifty-Plus Years of Published Commentary” and “Anything for a T-Shirt: Fred Lebow and the New York City Marathon, the World’s Greatest Footrace.”