Photo Credit: Jewish Press

In the next paragraph (4:7), the Mechaber seems to indicate the possibility of being lenient by stating that it is preferable to be strict when washing one’s hands in the morning regarding any requirement whose violation would disqualify the washing of one’s hands before a meal.

The Rema adds that (for netalat yadayim Shacharit) neither the lack of a vessel nor the lack of koach gavra – human force of pouring – should hinder the performance of netilat yadayim.


From all of the above, it is clear that the washing of one’s hands upon arising in the morning is special. Post facto, if a person has not washed in the proper manner, he may still recite the blessing. Nevertheless, a ritual style of washing that resembles the washing of one’s hands before a meal is mandated – the major distinction being that in the morning one washes one’s hands alternating between right hand and left hand.

(To be continued)


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