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Today's Daf Yomi

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The Bulletin Board

In Leaked Letter, US Officials Ask Israel to Make 15 Policy Changes in Gaza or Risk Arms Embargo

Failure to comply "may have implications for U.S. policy," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reportedly wrote.

Kippah-Wearing Teen Assaulted in Paris Suburb

"You, the Jew, wait for us, wait for us," the perpetrators allegedly said.

Israel Increases Humanitarian Aid to Northern Gaza, Intl Disinformation Campaign Notwithstanding

The Biden Administration and its global allies continue to claim that Israel deliberately targets and starves civilians in Gaza, regardless of abundant, concrete evidence to the contrary.

Israel Eliminates Head of Hamas Aerial (Paraglider, UAV) Unit

Daqqa was among those responsible for the paraglider and UAV infiltrations into Israeli territory during the October 7th massacre.

Netanyahu Denies, Slams Charges IDF Deliberately Targets UNIFIL in Lebanon

"Israel has every right to defend itself against Hezbollah and will continue to do so."

Tel Aviv Suicide Bombing Masterminded by Hamas HQ in Turkey

In March, Israeli authorities thwarted a deadly terror attack directed from Hamas’s offices in Turkey.

Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Israel Over Hamas, But…

54% say Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear weapons program, 46% say it should not.

Report: US Snitched to Lebanon about Upcoming Israeli Incursion

Should UNIFIL and the Lebanese army not fulfill their role as required, Israel would take over the task of chasing away the terrorists.

No Nuclear Facilities and No Oil – This Is Israel’s Remaining Targets Bank in Iran

The best targets remain the nuclear facilities and the oil fields, and Netanyahu might be tempted to attack them despite his promise to Joe Biden.

Following in the Footsteps of the Nazis

The profound German influence on Arab antisemitism can be seen in a number of areas

Simchat Torah: A Simcha Is A Simcha Is A Simcha

There is an important principle of common sense. If a wise person, who wants the best for you, suggests you do something, you should probably heed her advice. Conversely, if a psychotic person who wishes for your demise suggests you do something, you should probably do the opposite!

What Happened To My Alma Mater?

Back then there was no unanimity of perspective: the English Department boasted structuralists, deconstructionists, post-structuralists, and psychoanalytic and feminist cultural theorists. I took courses with all of them. But today, their toxic amalgam – ensuring the critical nuance of each is lost – is the only thing on the menu.

Shema In The Bomb Shelter

We could hear the muted sound of sirens and explosions above us. Israel was clearly under attack, but I felt comforted and protected in this spiritual cocoon of unity and prayer.

Time for a Change: US National Security Mandates Iran Regime Change

Instead, the US State Department has embraced the diplomatic option, which has generated hundreds of billions of dollars to the Ayatollahs -

How Douglas Murray Became The Most Persuasive Pro-Israel Voice On The Planet

Murray, who is not Jewish, has become known as a fearless and masterful debater who has a penchant for slicing through nonsense and leaving oratory opponents sitting in a pound of their own flesh.
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Yishai speaks with Danny Seaman, veteran of Israel's Government Press Office, about the year that was and the war we are still fighting. Then, Canada's Pierre Poilievre is on board with Israel through moral clarity. Finally, Ben Bresky on the great author Shai Agnon. Plus: Table Torah on the Book of Jonah!

A Car and a TV – Returning Home [audio]

Natalie interviews Estherina Levy Tafrizi, a retiree from Brooklyn who made aliyah just days ago. Estherina moved because her husband is Israeli and wanted to be closer to his family who all live in the south of Israel.

Reward, Not Punishment! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Standing at the cusp of the holiest day of the Jewish year, we have an obligation to expect abundant blessings including health, sustenance, loving relationships and Heavenly miracles!

Lulav & Children

One must not give one’s lulav to a child, even one’s own child, to shake on the first day of Sukkot. This is because according to Torah law, a child is able to acquire ownership of something (in this case, the lulav), but is not able to transfer ownership to someone else.

Pain Of Separation

What emerges from these Acharonim, especially Magen Avraham, is that the regular proximity to one’s spouse, even if physical contact is prohibited, is comforting, and losing that proximity is discomforting – and this discomfort might be sufficient to exempt a person from sukkah!

Does Redemption Hinge On Repentance?

Rabbi Yoshiya, who holds that Eretz Yisrael was divided among those who left Egypt, is of the opinion that the Jews merited the land of Israel as a result of the increased suffering in Egypt.

Should We Use The Name Avshalom?

...even though Avshalom the person might have been a wicked fellow, since his name has a positive meaning (father of peace, or my father is peace or something along those lines), it is still appropriate to use this name in naming our children.

Mirrors And Windows: The Secret Of Schach

The spiritual concept of beauty, and its relevance to marriage, is central to the connection we aim to develop through the process of Sukkos.


I am always intrigued by people who are handy. I am also intrigued by people who are artistic. I guess it’s because I’m so untalented in those areas.

Is It Proper To Bring Home Comforts’ Into The Sukkah?

He places his fine furnishings and fine mattresses and couches in the sukkah as well as his fine drinking vessels, bottles and cups. However, cooking utensils such as pots and pans are to be kept outside the sukkah.

Yom Kippur Seat

Aharon took a seat in the back for Kol Nidrei. When Maariv began, after the Rav’s drasha, Mr. Neiss still hadn’t come. Aharon moved next to his father.

The Magnitude Of The Sacrifice

Is it true then that one elevates oneself to the level of the most righteous simply by sacrificing one’s life for the sanctification of the Name?


We all know the verse "Serve Hashem in joy" (Tehillim 100:2), which seems to indicate that there is a positive commandment to serve G-d in joy. However, if you search Sefer HaChinuch, which lists and discusses all 613 mitzvot, for this specific mitzvah, you will not find it.

The Sukkah Of Peace

During the High Holidays we pray, Instill Your awe on all Your doings, and Your terror upon all You have created… and all of them shall be bound together to perform Your will wholeheartedly. When these prayers are answered, the entire world will, indeed, be able to dwell together, in peace, in the sukkah of the Jewish people.

The Dwellers Above With The Dwellers Below

The Vilna Gaon speaks at length of the kedusha of the malachim in his commentary on the siddur. He explains that the malachim don’t wait for Israel to finish our kedusha below out of respect for us but because they have no right to attest to the glory of Hashem until they hear our mouths doing it – as they have no awareness of any other possible state of affairs.

Listening to Others so God Will Listen to Us

Though many of us remain focused on Israel’s current war, the more general polarization in Israeli society and throughout much of the world that preceded it and continues to serve as its backdrop should be an even greater concern.

Pardon Me

On this great day of Yom Kippur, the Heavenly prosecutors stand before Hashem as well, holding the black list of the Jewish people’s transgressions which they intend to reveal before Hashem. But then they hear the Jewish nation detailing those very sins themselves. When the prosecutors hear this, they feel superfluous and abandon their mission.

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