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This seems to be the answer to the Daas Zakeinim. Because this sense of independence is almost a natural outgrowth of wealth, the Torah warns a king of Israel not amass too much of it. He may be a great man, and he might be able to keep his sense of balance despite many temptations, but wealth will almost certainly lead to arrogance, and it is something even a man as great as a king in Israel will not be able to resist.

In Our World

This concept has great relevance to us. Whether we are wealthy as compared to others or not, the reality is that we enjoy great berachah living in the 21st century. We enjoy material possessions, luxuries, and opportunities that were unheard of in previous generations.


One of the great dangers of living in these times is the sense of independence. “I am young, strong, and healthy. I can forge my own way. I don’t need anyone; I can make it on my own. I am independent.”

While on one level this sense is central to being an effective human being, it is also fraught with danger. A person must remain clear-headed in his understanding of Who really is in charge here. I am not the Master of the universe, nor even the master of my destiny. I am dependent. I depend on my Creator for my daily bread, my health, my success, and my existence. With this understanding, a man can enjoy great berachah and still remain humble.

When a person is humble, the rest of his character traits naturally fall into place. But when a person is arrogant, the rest of his middos are out of balance as well. An arrogant person becomes angry easily. A humble man doesn’t. An arrogant individual doesn’t feel the pain of others, but a humble man does. The pivot point of all good middos is humility.

Just as humility is the center of a person’s character development, so too is it the cornerstone of his avodas Hashem. Any sense of arrogance is a denial of my dependence upon Hashem.

This sense of dependence upon my Creator brings a person balance and internal happiness because he is in synch with his himself. He doesn’t need to self-inflate and create illusions about his worth. Ultimately, it leads a person to success in this world and the World to Come.


To view Rabbi Shafier’s parsha video click here.


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Rabbi Shafier is the founder of The Shmuz is an engaging, motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. All of the Shmuzin are available free of charge at or on the Shmuz App for iphone or Android.