The Tzadik’s Battle – Ki Tetzei

Only Tzadikim are meant to go to battle.

Torah Shorts: Parshat Ki Tetze: The Silent Retort

It is no little wisdom for a man to keep himself in silence and in good peace when evil words are spoken to him, and to turn his heart to God and not to be troubled with man's judgment. -Thomas Kempis

Restoring The Harmony: Rav Kook On Teshuva (Part II)

Rav Kook speaks evocatively of a world full of harmony. Everything has been created with a purpose and situated in such a way that it stands in perfect balance with everything else.

Levinas, Ammon, and Moav: On the Neutral Neighbor

Many commentators wonder why not proffering bread and water is considered such a great crime

Lost And Found

Our sages tell us that one of the most effective ways for man to gain Heaven’s favorable judgment is to grant merit to the community, by helping, contributing, and empathizing with those who are in need.

The Great Opportunity Of Elul

Rav Moshe Shternbuch, zt”l, zy”a, urges us to get moving with our Elul pursuits as early and as quickly as possible. He compares it to a wedding. If you go early, the baalei simcha, the celebrants are more likely to notice you and to interact with you personally.

Your First, Your Best – Parshat Shoftim

The Kohanim and Leviim did not have a share in the Land, it was therefore up to the other tribes to provide for them....

Saying Goodbye To Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Rachel spoke: I want to thank G-d right now in front of all of you for giving me this magnificent present of my son Hersh. For 23 years I was privileged to have the most stunning honor to be Hersh’s mama. I’ll take this moment to say thank you.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Shoftim: Contagious Stupidity

As favor and riches forsake a man, we discover in him the foolishness they concealed, and which no one perceived before. -Jean De La Bruyere

The Literary Value Of Teshuva (Rav Kook On Teshuva) (Part I)

In the opening chapters of Orot HaTeshuva, Rav Kook examines the categories and characteristics of teshuva. He posits that teshuva is an aspect of natural law which triggers an awareness of Divine Mercy that in turn precipitates the exercise of Divine Mercy.

Aleph Beta: Shoftim: The Significance of Saving Private Ryan‏

On the eve of battle, 4 groups can leave. Who are the 4 & what does it mean "allowed to go home"?

Shoftim: Tzedek, Chasidut and the Tzadik State of Israel

And what greater matter for self-sacrifice can there be than to help bring about the full Redemption of all Israel?

Turning Point

The Zera Shimshon asks: Why does the Torah need to state that the people will be judged. Who else is presenting before the judges?

The Foundation Stone: Parshat Shoftim: Seeking Justice

If we succeed in developing a strong sense of justice in our homes and communities, perhaps our prayer for God to restore justice will be justly heard and accepted.

Elul Strategies

If you don’t rinse out your mouth in the morning before davening, grab the opportunity to do so. You can fix in your mind that you are doing it so that the many names of Hashem that you will articulate during davening will come from a clean and pleasant source.

Of Witnesses, Keruvim, and Clones

The Torah standard for the conviction of criminals is set much higher than in most contemporary systems of law

Hashem’s Children – Parshat Re’eh

We are Hashem’s children. We are prohibited from gashing our skin, or ripping out hair upon suffering the death of someone close.

Their Last Day Of Saying Kaddish

As this period of Kaddish comes to a close, one bereaved family asked me to thank the general public on their behalf.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Re’eh: Wear Sunscreen

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. -Mary Schmich

All For One

We learn that every effort that is expended for the collective Jewish people is a merit for the individual.

Elul And Teshuva

Hashem, I know that this person might even repeat such an offense against me in the future but I am still willing to forgive him for now. Please forgive me as well even though I might likewise slip up with aveiros, sins, sometime in the future.

Be Especially Joyous

For Rav Hirsch, this is the true embodiment of the national spirit of Israel – feeling responsible for one another, meeting the needs of one another, and celebrating together in the joy of the community experienced as a community.

Teach Your Children – In The Presence Of G-d

The family should belong in the picture at home, not at the Temple. Why reverse it?

A Peace Offering – Parshat Re’ei

Unlike all the other types of Korbanot that are offered to atone for a sin, the Shelamim is offered purely out of love for Hashem.

Caution: Prosperity Ahead

The Book of Devarim describes the great danger of living in a prosperous society that offers people everything they desire and in large amounts. It’s challenging to live in poverty – but it’s also challenging to live in wealth.


Eretz Yisrael is blessed with seven species of food. One of the joys of living in Eretz Yisrael is having the privilege of eating these special foods.

Ought To? Love To: Parshas VaEschanan

G-d didn’t have to admonish Avraham that the mitzvos are not a yoke around one’s neck, but rather vitamins for the soul.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Ekev: The Double-Edged Dollar

Ambition makes the same mistake concerning power that avarice makes concerning wealth. She begins by accumulating power as a means to happiness, and she finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end. -Charles Caleb Colton


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