Photo Credit: Uri Lenzi/Flash90

As Jews, we are supposed to make all other Jews feel comfortable and greet them like brothers. Achdus, unity, means that we must make others feel as comfortable and accepted as we would like to feel. Fortunately, this works for the vast majority of people in most communities. True baalei chesed reach out to all Jews, no matter their beliefs, background, mental stability, or behavior. A welcomed brother is always welcomed – under any circumstances.

I don’t think I have ever met someone who loved his home, his parents, had loving memories of his school life, felt enamored with the warmth and chesed of his community and abandoned it all for the trappings of the secular world. Just like each finger finds its unique purpose on the hand, we all need to feel that we are necessary part of our homes, schools and communities. Making children feel special and creating a home of Torah that is warm and accepting is the most important factor in helping our children remain in the house of Hashem.

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Rabbi Gil Frieman is the pulpit Rabbi of Jewish Center Nachlat Zion, the home of Ohr Naava. He is certified as a shochet, sofer, and has given lectures in the United States, Canada, and throughout Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi Frieman is currently the American Director of seminaries Darchei Binah, Afikei Torah, and Chochmas Lev in Eretz Yisroel, and teaches in Nefesh High School, Camp Tubby during the summers, and lectures weekly at Ohr Naava. In addition, Rabbi Frieman teaches all tracks in Ateres Naava Seminary. He is a highly anticipated speaker on where he speaks live most Wednesday nights at 9:00pm EST.