Humble Judges

Generalizing from judges to general ethical advice, the Lubavitcher Rebbe suggests that getting another’s perspective is essential for self-improvement. We tend to have self-serving biases in either positive or negative directions that distort our self-assessment.

Yes, We Can

Even those less academic and studious can master the Torah and even those less disciplined have the capacity to fulfill all of their mitzvot.

Each Of Us Matters

Part of what makes each of us so important is that we are all unique... Hashem created us this way because we each have unique missions in this world.

The Significance Of Our Actions

Building a Mishkan, circumcision, tzedakah, and farming are not our only significant actions. Every good deed we perform, no matter how small, is important and impactful. Each of these deeds contributes to the betterment of the world and should be appreciated and recognized.

When Is Enough…Enough?

It’s time for all our people to stop using these rationalizations because any thinking Jew knows in their heart of hearts that every Jew should be in Israel, and these excuses have no basis. Our grandparents would have given everything that they own to have the opportunity that we have today to make aliyah and live in Israel.

Our Special Relationship

We do not just resemble G-d. We also have a personal relationship with Him.

G-d’s Faith In Man

Angels emanate from and inhabit pure spiritual worlds above. G-d’s presence and their mission are both clear to them.

When We Lose Faith In Ourselves

The Jews assumed that Hashem hated them because they saw themselves as unworthy of His love.

Very, Very Humble

Presumably, even the lowly of spirit according to Maimonides is not purposefully self-denigrating and contains a healthy sense of self-worth (contingent on an awareness of G-d, not one’s own accomplishments).

Heroism In A Time Of War

Some research indicates that heroism during war or, maybe more specifically, the acknowledgement of a soldier’s heroism, might be beneficial to the soldier himself, as it is associated with lower levels of post-traumatic stress symptoms (Stein et al., 2020).

An Ideal Jewish Army On A Full Stage

Baruch Hashem, we are witnessing a revolution in this area. Though no soldier can match the Vilna Gaon’s or P’nei Yehoshua’s piety, we have thousands of IDF soldiers who are both deeply committed to halacha and Jewish values and are genuine talmidei chachamim.

Concern, Not Contempt

Even someone who openly performs wicked deeds should not be disparaged in totality.

True Freedom

Many associate the freedom Rebbe Yehoshua mentions with the exemption Torah scholars enjoy from taxes and other communal responsibilities (Avot 3:5 and Bava Batra 8a). We exempt scholars from these responsibilities so they can be free to focus on their studies.

Building Positive Momentum – Avot 4:2

The reverse is true of sin, continues Rabbi Hirsch. It removes you from the pure and loving presence of your Father in heaven. It will awaken within you the torturing pangs of conscience...

The Pain, The Effort, And The Process

Many interpret the word tza’ar in the literal sense – pain or suffering. Our reward is proportional to the pain we endure.

Virtue Redefined – Pirkei Avot 4:1

We tend to define our own levels of wisdom, power, wealth, and honor by likening how much of these commodities we have in relation to others. According to psychologist Leon Festinger, when we make downward social comparisons, we tend to inflate our sense of self by reflecting on how much more we have than others.

Life In The Corridor

Rebbe Yaakov’s teachings aim to help us develop the proper perspective on our world. We should realize that it and its pleasures are not the ultimate goal.

Math And Doubt

Unlike niddah calculations, which may impact real-life halacha, the doubts and calculations in kinnim are generally removed from practical ramifications.

The Toll Of Torture

The Gemara comments that the prophet’s list increases in severity, making captivity the worst, even worse than death or famine.

Earning Our Lives

Being up at night without learning Torah is a misuse of the night. We work during the day and have free time at night; we should use this time to sleep or to learn Torah.

What We Want

Identification with Hashem’s will affects both the form and scope of our avodat Hashem.

Balancing Values

Wisdom is a broad term that can have numerous interpretations, including knowledge of Torah (Chazon Ish), spiritual ability to fulfill the Divine will (Rabbeinu Yonah), or a social intelligence wisdom (Sforno). Regardless of definition, wisdom needs the supplemental value of fear of G-d.

The Foundation(s) Of Our World

Torah is not the only pillar. Avodah is also important. Study alone is not enough to sustain the world and our existence.

Ambiguous Loss – A Lesson From Yaakov And Yosef

We might ask, why are these two things – giving up hope and aveilus – connected? After all, the likelihood of whether the loved one has died, which may be the more intuitive factor for beginning aveilus, does not change based on the subjective metric of losing hope, so why should this determine the threshold for commencing aveilus?

Essentials Of Judaism: The Hashkafa Of Pirkei Avot

Judaism is not just about individuals understanding and worshipping G-d. It is about belonging to a people who descend from and still identify with their avot and imahot.

Pesach – A Holiday Of Questions: A Look at the Haggadah Commentary of Rabbi...

Abarbanel’s unique method of Bible commentary is characterized by posing an extensive set of questions relating to a topical section.

Sharansky’s Seder Night Lesson

The Christian thinker Blaise Pascal was awed by the eternity of our people: “These people are not eminent solely by their antiquity, but are also singular by their duration, which has continued from their origin till now.

Olam Hafuch Ra’iti! – I Saw An Upside-Down World!

It is the notion that the Arabs, and in turn Hamas, cannot understand or accept that He hit me back. They cannot acknowledge the fact that the Israeli army is so powerful and is not subservient to them and that now they must recognize its superiority.

The Reasons We Suffer

Sometimes, suffering is decreed from above – often as a punishment for sin. Hashem punished the first man and woman for their sins on their first day of existence and has continued to do so ever since.

The Origins Of Suffering

When man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and bad, he realized his full potential to pursue sin. This choice damaged both him and the world.


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