Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Vol. LXVI No. 30                               5775



New York City
July 24, 2015 – 8 Av 5775
8:01 p.m. NYC E.D.T.


Sabbath Ends: 9:06 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sabbath Ends: Rabbenu Tam 9:31 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Weekly Reading: Devarim
Weekly Haftara: Chazon Yeshayahu (Isaiah 1:1-27)
Daf Yomi: Nedarim 61
Mishna Yomit: Parah 1:1-2
Halacha Yomit: Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayyim 630:8-10
Rambam Yomi: Hilchos She’ar Avos Ha’Tum’ah chap. 15 – 17
Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 4:46 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunrise: 5:45 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Latest Kerias Shema: 9:23 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunset: 8:19 p.m. NYC E.D.T.


Fast of Tisha B’Av (nidche – delayed one day): The fast begins Shabbos after Mincha at 8:18 p.m. and concludes Sunday evening (July 26) at 8:52 p.m. (NYC E.D.T.) Rav Tukaccinsky. Rav Moshe Feinstein, earliest 8:56 p.m. (NYC E.D.T.) , preferred 9:05 (NYC E.D.T.)

This Shabbos is Shabbos Chazon. Some have a custom to sing Lecha Dodi at the Friday evening Kabbalas Shabbos service to the melody of Eli Tziyyon (one of the concluding kinos of Tisha B’Av).

   Shabbos morning the Haftara, Chazon Yeshayahu (Isaiah 1:1-27), is read to the melody of Eichah (until Ve’shaveha).

As on Tisha B’Av, some restrictions apply regarding Torah study. From chatzos hayom – after noon (1:02 NYC E.D.T.) – we only study matters relating to Tisha B’Av: Eichah and its Midrashim and Perek Hanizakin in Tractate Gittin. Thus we do not study the usual Pirkei Avos, which resume the following week. Following Mincha, which is the usual Shabbos Tefilla except for Tzidkas’cha, we eat the Seuda Shelishis, we may even eat meat and wine at this meal.

We return to the synagogue for Maariv. Following Barechu we remove our leather shoes and don sneakers that are non leather. We also remove the Paroches, the curtain of Aron Hakodesh. We sit on low chairs and continue with the usual Tefilla, followed by Kaddish Tiskabbel. After Maariv when we view a flame we utter the blessing “… Borei Me’orei Ha’esh” (Havdala in the Shemoneh EsrehAta Chonantanu). We then read Eichah, plus several selected Kinos, Ve’Ata Kadosh, Kaddish Shalem without Tiskabbel, Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish.

Sunday morning, Tisha B’Av day (delayed), we do not put on Tallis or Tefillin when we daven Shacharis. However, we do put on the tallis katan without a beracha. Others say that we do make a beracha (see Mishna Berura, Orach Chayyim 555:1). In the Korbanos section we omit Pitum Haketores. In Shacharis only the ba’al tefilla says Anenu in his repetition between Refa’einu and Go’el Yisrael, but he does not say Birkas Kohanim. We do not say Tachanun or Avinu Malkenu. We take out a Torah scroll and read in Parashas Va’es’chanan (Devarim 4:25-40), Ki Solid Banim, and say half Kaddish. We read the Haftara, Asof Asifeim (Jeremiah 8:13-9:23) to the melody of Eichah. We then begin saying the Kinos (a collection of Lamentations). We say Ashrei, no Lamenatze’ach. We say U’va Letziyyon (but we omit Ve’ani Zos Brisi) then Kaddish Shalem without Tiskabbel, and Aleinu. We do not say the Shir Shel Yom at Shacharis. We remain seated on the ground until Chatzos Hayom (midday – we do take into account Daylight Savings Time).

At Mincha we don our Tallis and Tefillin with the appropriate blessings. We then say Shir Shel Yom (others say Kerias Shema as well), followed by Mourner’s Kaddish. We say Ashrei followed by half Kaddish, we take out the Torah scroll from the Ark and read Vayechal (Shemos 32:11-14, 34:1-10); no half Kaddish. We read the Haftara, Dirshu Hashem (Isaiah 55:6-56:80), we return the Torah scroll to the Ark and say half Kaddish. We recite the Shemoneh Esreh, adding Nachem in Boneh Yerushalayim and Anenu in Shome’a Tefilla. The chazzan in his repetition, however, places Anenu between Go’el and Refa’einu. We do not say Avinu Malkenu or Tachanun. The chazzan says Kaddish Tiskabbel, Aleinu followed by Mourner’s Kaddish.

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Rabbi Yaakov Klass is Rav of K’hal Bnei Matisyahu in Flatbush; Torah Editor of The Jewish Press; and Presidium Chairman, Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim.