Photo Credit: Jewish Press

The members of the beis din investigated the matter as carefully as they could, but could find no leniency for the poor butcher. According to the ruling of the Rama, the meat was clearly not kosher.

But Rav Avraham Abush would not give up. He pored carefully over his seforim. Finally, he emerged and declared, “I have found a way to rule that the meat of this poor butcher is kosher.”


The other members of the court were greatly agitated and asked, “How is that possible, the Rama rules that it is not kosher?”

Rav Avraham Abush sighed and replied, “It is true, as you say, that the Rama has ruled that it is not kosher and that I have ruled otherwise. But, my dear friends, I would rather be hauled before the Heavenly Court when I pass on and have to face the Rama than have this butcher as my adversary.

“This butcher is a poor and suffering man. If he drags me before the Court in Heaven and complains that I have caused him a loss of money, what can I say in my defense?

“If, however, I rule as I did and the Rama complains about me, I am sure that if I show him my proof and reasoning, we will be able to come to an agreement.”


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