The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) is proud to announce that former Senator Joseph Lieberman and five recently retired senior military officers have joined JINSA’s Board of Advisers.

Senator Lieberman embodied JINSA’s mission for almost three decades in the Senate. As a staunch supporter of both U.S.-Israel cooperation and a strong American military, he was honored by JINSA with its Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson Distinguished Service Award in 1997. After 9/11, Senator Lieberman was instrumental in reorganizing the intelligence community and establishing the Department of Homeland Security. America is a safer place because of his bipartisan work and JINSA is honored to have him as an adviser.


JINSA also added five recently retired senior military officers to the Board of Advisers  General Hal M. Hornburg , former Commander, Air Combat Command, Lieutenant General Tad J. Oelstrom , former Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy, Lieutenant General Guy Swan , former commander of United States Army North (Fifth Army), Lieutenant General George J. Trautman , former Deputy Commandant for Aviation, and Lieutenant General Stephen G. Wood , former Deputy Commander, United Nations Command

The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian educational organization established in 1976 to educate the public on national and international security issues, including the importance of an effective U.S. defense capability and the key role of strategic allies, including Israel, to promote democratic values in the Middle East.

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