The Egyptian government suspects elements of the current uprising there are being coordinated with the U.S. State Department, this column has learned.
   A senior Egyptian diplomat told this column that the regime of President Hosni Mubarak suspects the U.S. has been aiding protest planning by Mohamed ElBaradei, who is seen as one of the main opposition leaders in Cairo.
   ElBaradei, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief, has reinvented himself as a campaigner for “reform” in Egypt. He is a candidate for this year’s scheduled presidential elections.
   ElBaradei arrived in Cairo just after last week’s protests began and is reportedly being confined to his home by Egyptian security forces.
   He is seen as an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition force in Egypt.
   The Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world, in large part using nonviolent means. Hamas and Al-Qaeda are violent Brotherhood offshoots.
   An Egyptian security official noted the Muslim Brotherhood was directly involved in protest organization.
   Multiple prominent U.S. commentators have also been claiming the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization and denying any Islamist plot to seize power.
   In November, the Brotherhood’s new supreme guide, Muhammad Badi, delivered a sermon entitled, “How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny.”
   “Resistance is the only solution,” stated Badi. “The United States cannot impose an agreement upon the Palestinians, despite all the power at its disposal. [Today] it is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated and wounded, and is also on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan because it has been defeated by Islamist warriors.”

   Badi went on to declare the U.S. is easy to defeat through violence, since it is “experiencing the beginning of its end and is heading toward its demise.”


   Egypt and Israel have information a large quantity of weapons, including new and sophisticated firepower, was smuggled from Egypt into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip in the last two days, according to informed Middle East security officials.
   Israeli security officials fear a growing state of anarchy exists along the Gaza-Egypt border, with Islamist groups there taking advantage of the chaos in Egypt amid mass protests threatening the regime of President Hosni Mubarak. Egyptian security forces have been focused largely on quelling the riots.
   “Something big was brought into the Gaza Strip,” said an informed security official.

   The official said it was not known yet exactly what was transferred into Gaza, but he speculated it may have been a large quantity of antiaircraft missiles.


   “True” Muslims who enter the highest levels of Muslim paradise are those who pay the ultimate price of sacrifice for the goal of implementing Shariah Islamic law, declared the imam who has become the new face of the proposed Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero in New York City.
   In a recent mosque sermon obtained by this column and played on this reporters WABC Radio show, Imam Abdallah Adhami opens with an Islamic prayer declaring the supremacy of Allah over the universe.
   Adhami stated the message of the Quranic figure Muhammad “is the continuity and the culmination of all the messages of all the prophets before him, from Adam to Noah to Abraham and Moses and Jesus and everyone in between.”
   “And that message is the supremacy and the total dominion of the lord [Allah] of the world,” he stated.
   In his sermon, Adhami discussed Islamic oral tradition regarding “true” Muslims worthy of entering “Jannah,” or the Islamic paradise.
   Stated Adhami: “You have to pass all your tests, and the only time that you know you are truthful in implementing the change that Shariah sought for you to implement is when you have paid the ultimate price of sacrifice.”
   Later in the lecture, Adhami states Muslims have more of a right than do Jews to the biblical prophet Moses.

   “We love Moses more than them. We are more worthy of loyalty to Moses, more than they are. We love him more than they do,” he stated.


   The Egyptian government is investigating information it has obtained pointing to Palestinian Authority financial support for an Islamist organization accused of carrying out the deadly New Year’s Day suicide bombing at a church in Alexandria, Egypt.
   The PA is financially backed by the U.S. and European allies who supply most of the PA’s funds.
   Egyptian government sources tell this reporter they were supplied with information showing the PA has been supporting Jayish al Islam, a Palestinian al-Qaida ally accused of the Coptic Christian church bombing in which 23 were killed.
   Hamas, a rival to the PA, gave the Egyptians detailed bank account information proving members of Jayish al Islam received monthly salaries from the PA in the West Bank.
   A top Hamas official in Gaza claimed he is “certain” the PA finances the group in a bid to destabilize Hamas rule in Gaza.
   Jayish al Islam is based in both the Gaza Strip and neighboring Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. It frequently challenges Hamas, which seized control of Gaza from the PA in 2007.
   U.S. policy considers the PA to be moderate. America arms, trains and funds PA militias and provides hundreds of millions of dollars per year in financial support to the Palestinian group. President Obama, furthermore, backs the creation of a PA-led Palestinian state.

   Aaron Klein is Jerusalem bureau chief and senior reporter for Internet giant He is also host of an investigative radio program on New York’s 770-WABC Radio, the largest talk radio station in the U.S., every Sunday between 2-4 p.m.

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Aaron Klein is the Jerusalem bureau chief for Breitbart News. Visit the website daily at He is also host of an investigative radio program on New York's 970 AM Radio on Sundays from 7 to 9 p.m. Eastern. His website is