Photo Credit: Jewish Press

The Miami Beach Eruv Council held its first tribute dinner on Sunday, August 30. Over two hundred guests enjoyed the special evening. The event began with live music, a sushi bar, and passing trays and drinks in the front reception room of the Temple Moses Synagogue in Miami Beach. After davening, the crowd was seated in the lovely main ballroom.

Dinner Chairman Daniel Gielchinsky acted as master of ceremonies. He introduced the film “No Strings Attached,” which was shown on a screen in the ballroom. The video, produced and directed by Jerry Levine, answers all questions on the what and why of an eruv and the struggles involved in creating the Miami Beach eruv and its expansions.


Rabbi Donald Bixon of Beth Israel Congregation introduced Michael Lefkowitz and Abraham Galbut, who were honored for their devotion and efforts on behalf of the huge undertaking. Jerry Levine accepted a gift on behalf of Judge Norman Ciment who was not able to attend.

Isaac Jaroslawicz, a member of the eruv’s legal committee, introduced guest of honor Rabbi Pinchas A. Weberman, one of the guiding forces in the construction and maintenance of the eruv. He personally shouldered responsibility for the weekly inspection of the eruv for the past three decades; his son Yisroel has now taken over the job.

Rabbi Weberman charmed the audience with his informative and often hilarious account of the trials and tribulations involved in operating the eruv, a truly important feature that is so helpful for South Florida’s Orthodox community. A tasty buffet dinner followed.

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Shelley Benveniste is South Florida editor of The Jewish Press.