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Scholars-In-Residence: This Shabbos, Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich – Young Israel Century City – L.A…. February 21 – Rabbi Yissochar FrandBeth Israel, Edmonton, Canada

Shul News: Two shuls have moved to new buildings… Shevat Achim in Mercer Island, Washington and Ahavas Torah in Scottsdale, Arizona… Every Friday night after davening Young Israel of Beverly Hills has an Oneg Shabbat dinner for $ 20.


Community Events: This Shabbos, Kehilat Yavneh is having a ‘Weekend of Song and Food” with Moshe Storch – the new Indie Carlebach Singing Sensation and a Chulent Throwdown judged by Celebrity Top Chef – Katsuji Tanabe… Tuesday nights, join Rabbi Kalman Topp at Beth Jacob Beverly Hills for a six part series on ‘The Worldview of Rabbi Joseph B. Solveitchik.’

Women Only: February 18 at 8pm Sarah Pachter will be speaking at Morry’s Fireplace in the Pico area of L.A. on “Shed the Mask: Making Ourselves Vulnerable in Our Relationships”


Mazel Tov – Engagements: Mendel Kehaty to Freida Davidoff.


Mazel Tov – Births: Jeremy and Anna Beck, a son… Ari and Esperanza Sacal, a son (Grandparents Abraham and Sofi Daniel).


Mazel Tov – Births: Glenn and Sarah Lipton, a son… Ari and Gittle Braun, a son… Rabbi Yossi and Raizy Golombeck, a daughter (Grandparents Dr. Sheldon and Brenda Kishineff)… Rabbi Shmuel and Shoshana Fasman, a son (Grandparents Rabbi Chaim and Yehudis Fasman)… Danny and Yocheved Gouhari, a son (Grandparents Sarah Gouhari)… Naftoli anhd Suri Streicher, a son (Grandparents Moshe and Rachel Streicher)… Ely and Tali Cole of Yerushalayim, a son (Grandparents Allan and Judy Kandel)… Noah and Marissa Streit, a daughter (Grandparents Aric and Mary Streit)… Dr. Robby and Monique Mogyoros, a son (Grandparent Emil and Jenny Fish)… Robby and Lindsey Tennenbaum of NY, a daughter (Grandmother Lisa Tennenbaum)… Dan and Elisa Rabinow, a daughter… Moshe and Liat Matsa, a daughter (Grandmother Myrna Matsa)… Rabbi Zalman and Chaya Frager, a daughter… Cheski and Tamar Bendheim of Israel, a son (Grandparents Marc and Lynn Rohatiner)… Micah and Eliana Katz, a son… Shmuel and Yali Kornfeld, a daughter (Grandparents Shlomo and Tamar Rechnitz; Great-Grandparaents Yaakov and Debbie Rechnitz)… Shalom and Ariella Kraft, a daughter (Grandparents Rabbi Shimon and Elizabeth Kraft).

Mazel Tov – Engagements: Mordechai Hartman, son of Uzi and Shani Hartman, grandson of Marty and Elaine Mayerfeld to Malky Kaufman of Toronto… Daniel Rubin, son of David and Gittel Rubin to Talya Kugelman from Woodmere, NY… Dovi Gluck, son of Howard and Gity Gluck to Lauren Chornock of Gaithersburg, MD.

Mazel Tov – Weddings:
Yossi Wolmark, son of Zevi and Dina Wolmark to Bracha Schorr… Yoni Celnik, son of Eli and Rachel Celnik to Michla Lane… Avraham Brander, son of Rabbi Asher and Batya Brander to Elisheva Yardley… Andrew Friedman, son of Alex and Eva Friedman, OBM to Chani Herskovic of London, England.


Mazel Tov – Weddings: Mendy Kreiman, son of Rabbi Yankel and Rochel Kreiman to Chaya Dinerman of San Diego.


Mazel Tov – Births: Barry and Erica Berkowitz, a daughter.

Mazel Tov – Weddings: Abigail Bellon, daughter of Mark and Chana Bellon to Moshe Snyder.


Mazel Tov – Births: Yanky and Chaya Weisz of Valley Village, a daughter (Grandparents Rabbi Asher and Michal Rosenberg; Great-Grandparents Gabe and Eva Rosenberg, Irene Rosenberg).
Mazel Tov – Engagements: Ilana Yarmak, daughter of Elliot and Lisa Yarmakof Northridge to Ari Dorfman of Minneapolis, MN… Channah Honig, daughter of Susan Honig to Cory Kleinman of NY…. Dafna Black, daughter of Allan and Judy Black of Valley Village to Yitzchak Epstein of Pittsburgh, PA.

Mazel Tov – Weddings: Esther Levine, daughter of Asher and Sharon Levine of Valley Village to Yitzy Frankel of L.A… Yoni Celnik, son of Eli and Rachel Celnik to Michla Lane of Monsey, NY.


Mazel Tov – Births: Simcha and Rachel Trilokekar, a daughter… Jeremy and Anna Beck, a son.

Mazel Tov – Weddings: Chaya Dinerman, daughter of Rabbi Yisroel and Rochel Dinerman to Mendy Kreiman of Palm Springs.


Mazel Tov – Births: Eli and Aviva Calm, a son (Grandparents Rabbi Yaakov and Marcie Calm)… Dr. Robby and Monique Mogyoros, a son (Grandparents Dr. Miguel and Aniko Mogyoros).

Mazel Tov – Engagements: Chana Zakroff, daughter of Randy and Elise Zakroff to Isaac Levine, son of son of Yehuda and Rebecca Levine… Benji Mehler to Shoshana Somer.


Mazel Tov – Births: Simon and Elizabeth Lader, a daughter.

Mazel Tov – Engagements: Shoshi Marciano to Michael Mendelson.


Mazel Tov – Births: Josh and Oshrit Levin, a daughter (Grandparents Allen & Louise Levin).

Mazel Tov – Weddings: Adam Rosenbert, son of Michael and Rachel Rosenbert to Hannah Loventhal.


Mazel Tov – Births: Shimon and Karen Unterman, a daughter (Grandparents Morti and Ora Tenenhaus)… Russell and Elizabeth Mollen of Austin, a son (Grandparaents Marty and Joan Mollen).


Mazel Tov – Births: Josh and Raizel Kahn of Atlanta, GA, a son (Grandparents Bob and Cathy Kahn).

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