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Rabi Elazar lived to be 105 years old, and of course people wanted to know the “secret” of his longevity. He replied that his long life was due to three things: He never used a synagogue as a thoroughfare to get from one place to another; when he entered the study hall and needed to get to his place, he never stepped over the heads of the students who had come before him and were sitting on the ground; and he never recited Birkat Kohanim without first reciting the blessing before it (Megillah 27b, Sotah 39a).

According to one tradition, Rabi Elazar was killed by the Romans on Erev Shabbat. However, Midrash Eleh Ezkerah says that the day of execution was Yom Kippur. His talmidim asked him, “What do you see?”


Rabi Elazar replied that he saw that his seat was placed next to his teachers, Rabi Akiva and Rabi Yehudah ben Bava, who were arguing a matter of halacha.

“Who is great enough to decide between these two giants of Torah?” the students wanted to know. Rabi Elazar replied that Rabi Yishmael Kohen Gadol would decide, and that Rabi Akiva won the argument because “he used all his strength for Torah.”

Rabi Elazar continued to describe what he was seeing in those last few moments before his holy soul ascended to Heaven. “My children,” he said to his students, “I also see the soul of every righteous person purifying itself in the Pool of Silwan so that today it can enter the Heavenly Yeshiva in purity to hear the shiur of Rabi Akiva ben Yosef. Angels are bringing a throne of gold for each righteous person to sit upon in purity.”

At the moment of his death, a voice came from Heaven and proclaimed, “Fortunate are you, Rabi Elazar ben Shamua, for you were pure and your soul left your body with the word ‘purity.’”

Next Week: For These We Cry—Rabi Chanina ben Chachinai, Rabi Yesheivav the Scribe, Rabi Yehudah ben Damah and Rabi Yehudah ben Bava


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