Sounds of World Jewry: Rabbi Algazi Ottoman Musician & Zionist Pioneer

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    The Sephardi Ottoman Shavuot Kiddush musical tradition by the great Cantor Rabbi Izak Algazi.  This soul stirring rendition of the Shavuot holiday kiddush sung by Rabbi Algazi gives us a taste of Middle Eastern Jewish life in another time.  Thankfully, Sephardi Jewish congregations in Israel and around the world carry on using these beautiful rich melodies with young cantors learning from the great masters who have never failed to pass on the many tunes and varied traditions of Sephardic Jews from all over the Middle East.

    “Rabbi Algazi did not win the admiration of Jews alone, but of Turks as well. In his time, he became a well known artist in all musical circles, and because of his mastery and knowledge of music, he was referred to by the Turks as “hoca” (teacher).  Because of Algazi’s uncommonly broad vocal range and superior singing style, he has survived to the modern day on 78 recordings.”


    “İzak Algazi lived during a difficult and painful period for Ottoman Jews as well as Jews worldwide. The fall of the multinational/multi-faith Ottoman Empire where they had found refuge for four centuries led both to a spiritual crisis as well as a mass emigration.”

    “In early 1944 İzak Algazi, together with another Sephardic leader, formed the Committee for the Support of Palestine in Uruguay. The Committee’s goal was to persuade famous non-Jews to support the Zionist cause. Through his efforts, Algazi was able to convince the poet Carlos Sabat Ercasti, anti-Nazi activist Huga Fernandez Artusio, and the leader of Uruguay’s Socialist Party. This committee was very active in supporting the efforts to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.”

    Read more about Rabbi Algazi’s fascinating and heroic life here

    (İzmir/Turkey 1889 – Montevideo/Uruguay 1950)

    Click here to read about Jewish food in Ottoman Turkey


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    Yocheved Seidman is co-producer of "The Yishai Fleisher Show" on Galey Yisrael and Chief Operating Officer of Kumah, an NGO dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity, Torah education, pride in the Jewish State, and knowledge of the history and heritage of Israel and the Jewish people.