Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Temple Mount

The State of Israel was not established to be a bastion of Democracy and “Western Ideals” sic. The State of Israel was established to be the Jewish State.

Early days of political Zionism were in the time when Europe was changing, and all sorts of nationalisms were developing. One of them was Jewish Nationalism aka Zionism. The Land of Israel had always been a magnet for Jews, although ever since the destruction of the Second Holy Temple and the defeat of the Jewish Kingdoms, independent Jewish rule seemed relegated to history books. There were thriving and active Jewish communities in all sorts of cities all over the Land of Israel during the two thousand years of the exile. Not only were there Jews in Jerusalem and Tzfat, but even those that today are empty of identifying Jews, like Gaza, had strong active communities.


Please remember that during those two thousand years, no other people rose to make an independent country in this Holy Land. It was always ruled by a foreign empire.

The early Zionists of the late 19th, early 20th centuries debated the form of society and government. Among the secular, infatuated with modern ideologies more than with Judaism and traditional western ideals, socialism/communism was their ideal, not democracy.

When the State of Israel was finally established in 1948, the various Zionist leaders compromised on a form of parliamentary democracy and not socialism. But the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew they were doing something very important for international Jewry in establishing a Jewish State, the only one in the world. Just a few short years after the Holocaust, when Jews had no political refuge, it was clear, even to “the world” that there was a need for a Jewish State.  That’s why there was a majority vote for the establishment of a Jewish state in what was then the Mandated Palestine. And please don’t forget that Great Britain had been mandated, meaning instructed to establish a Jewish state here in the Land of Israel. 

Post-World War Two many countries were created, some brand new, like Jordan, without any historical basis. They were total inventions.

So, when the Israeli Left keeps harping that laws and legal decisions go against the principles of the State of Israel which they claim is supposed to be secular democratic, they are lying. We are not supposed to be collecting/accepting every single foreign non-Jew who wants to live here and take advantage of the relatively high standard of living and top notch medical care.

The State of Israel was established for Jews and nobody else. Non-Jews can live here if they are obeying the law and have entered legally. Others must be deported, just like is done in all other western, modern countries/democracies.


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.