Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz
What did we do to deserve this?

One doesn’t have to be a great political pundit to predict political instability here (I will be home soon G-d willing) in Israel. The outgoing Likud government, Bibi’s third, if I haven’t lost track, lasted less than two years. The polls are showing that it is possible that either Likud or Labor-Livni are capable theoretically of forming a coalition.

Possible Netanyahu Phase 2: Likud (22), Bayit Yehudi (12), Kulanu (9), Shas (7), UTJ (7), Yisrael Beitenu (5), Yachad (4) =66 Possible Herzog Phase 2: Zionist Union (25), The Joint (Arab) List (12), Yesh Atid (12), Kulanu (9), Meretz (5) =63 (Jeremy)

If Netanyahu succeeds again, then the Left, media and politicians funded by the Americans again, will just repeat what they have been doing to weaken and harass him. And if the two-headed monster of Herzog and Livni succeed, their incompetence and pressure from the Right will make running the country much more difficult than their worst nightmares


All I can say is that hopefully this instability will be good for us and keep them, no matter who is Prime Minister from doing damage to the country, meaning destroying Jewish communities and homes


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.