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Jews waiting for permission to enter Temple Mount

There is only one way for there to be calm and peace on, Har HaBayit, the Temple Mount Judaism’s holiest site. At present there is a totally unacceptable and dangerous situation where Arab terrorists are attacking Jews and Israeli security forces. While Jews and tourists must undergo security checks and behave in peaceful non-aggressive ways when only the Temple Mount, the Arab Muslim terrorists enter freely, no inspections, and are allowed to harass Jews at will. This frequently escalates to attacks on the security forces there. Only the Arabs are allowed in without any inspections at all, even if they have bags with them which could be full of weapons and bombs.

Arabs entering the Temple Mount freely even with full backpacks and bulky clothing. The security forces are too busy with their phones and private conversations to even make the simplest check. Policy actually allows this. At present, the Arab Muslims can bring whatever they want, even weapons, but Jews can’t bring even prayer books. The Arabs are permitted to curse us, and we aren’t even allowed to pray silently to G-d.


This is an outrageous situation. The result has been frequent violence on the Temple Mount between the Arabs and the Israeli security. The solution by the Israeli Government makes no sense. The Government wants to limit Jewish rights on the Temple Mount even more. Political leaders, that is Jewish politicians are being banned from there.

Jews waiting for permission to enter Temple Mount; non-Jewish tourists have quicker and easier entrance; Muslims enter freely.

Our very own defense minister is blaming the victims and ignoring the source of the trouble, Arab, Muslim intolerance and violence. This is totally impossible to comprehend, and our government’s further restrictions on Jews is just encouraging the violence.

My solution is:

Jews, Muslims, Christians and anyone else all must undergo the same, exact level of security checks and clearance to ascend it to visit, pray or just tour around. Prior to that, it must be thoroughly inspected and cleared of all weaponry. Yes, that means that for a period of time nobody will be able to ascend. First the Temple Mount including the mosques there must be totally inspected and cleared of weapons. After that everyone who wants to enter the Temple Mount must be inspected with equal vigilance. And instead of sending police along with just the Jewish visitors to prevent prayer, there must be Arab understanding Israeli police with the Muslims to stop all violent speech and arrest any who call for attacks on Jews.

Only that will bring true peace!

Shavua Tov! Have a safe and wonderful and blessed week!!


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.