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The young Teddy Roosevelt studying foreign policy from his cat, Slippers. Speak softly but carry a big claw.

Originally published at Rubin Reports.

In this test, find which entry does not belong on this list.


1914: President Woodrow Wilson allies with Britain and France to fight autocracy in World War One and “make the world safe for democracy.”

1941: President Franklin Roosevelt allies with Britain, France, and the USSR to fight fascism and destroy it.

1947: President Harry Truman allies with the Free World to fight Communist aggression and liberate captive nations.

1950: President Dwight Eisenhower confronts Communist aggression in South Korea with the UN as allies.

1991: President George Bush leads an international alliance to repel an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

2001: President George W. Bush leads the American people in retaliating to the September 11 attacks on America in Afghanistan against totalitarian Islamist groups.

2013: President Barak Obama forms an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood to install an anti-American Islamist state in Syria to join such U.S. “allies” as Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Turkey on behalf of the Sunni Sharia World; to make the world safe for authoritarian religious dictatorships, antisemitism and those who would wipe Israel off the map, unrepentant Nazi allies, jihad against Christianity, subjecting women to second-class status, and murdering of gay people. Then to forge these ties stronger he defends an overthrown Egyptian Islamist regime insisting that it should at least participate in a coalition government  earlier just to make sure that it has a share of power so that, no doubt, American values should be represented.


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Professor Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. See the GLORIA/MERIA site at