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Lander won the election, but the fact is that Hikind’s much-touted clout was never manifested in that race. Another fact is that an unknown opponent was preferred over Hikind by four out of ten voters in Hikind’s 2010 reelection campaign. Even if young Mr. Tischler loses, all he needs to do is make a substantial showing and all bets are off for 2014.

Harold Fried


(Via E-Mail)

Local Politics (II)

Reader Aaron Rosen (Letters, Sept. 7) got it right in criticizing The Jewish Press for treating “the Tischler boys” as if they were serious candidates. Dov Hikind and Simcha Felder are veterans when it comes to serving our community. If anyone deserves the support of The Jewish Press, they do.

Shulem Brecher

(Via E-Mail)

A Lesson For Activists

As Steven Plaut pointed out (“Israel Liberated from Assault of the Corries,” op-ed, Sept. 7), anti-Israel activists have long believed in the strategy of provoking military responses to civilian provocations like the flotilla movement and Rachel Corrie’s interference with IDF anti-terror operations in Gaza.

The idea is to embarrass Israel by claiming criminal overreaction and to seek international sanctions. It has not caught on. And now, with the dismissal of the charges in the Corrie affair, these activists must know that more often than not, putting themselves in harm’s way for “the cause” is likely to be a fool’s errand.

Esther Nuemann

(Via E-Mail)


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