PM, DM Refute Ben-Gvir’s Claim Status Quo Changed on Temple Mount

The right of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, where today three mosques are located, has long been controversial.

Ben Gvir Alienates Allies by Allowing Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

"I remember the days when they shouted at me 'Allah Akbar' and I shouted back at them 'Shema Israel' and was arrested."

Netanyahu Submits Declaration Rejecting Hague Court’s Ruling on ‘Occupation’

The resolution was composed without input from Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

Archaeologists Uncover Jerusalem’s Monumental Fortifications

Over the past 150 years, many attempts have been made by researchers and archaeologists to trace the route of the northern fortification of Jerusalem.

Knesset Approves in 1st Reading Law Banning Foreign Missions in ‘Palestinian’ Jerusalem

Should the international community recognize a State of Palestine there would be a rush to plant dozens of foreign consulates that would operate outside Israeli jurisdiction.

Ben Gvir ‘Storms’ Temple Mount, Arabs and Shas Minister Upset

In Arab reports, every visit to the Temple Mount is a storming of Al Aqsa, and every Jewish visitor is a settler.

Flames Threaten Homes in Jerusalem’s Gilo Neighborhood

Evacuations were initiated for those living in the first row of homes.

Two Arrested for Setting Fire Near IDF Base on Mt Scopus

Arson has become a popular form of terrorism among Palestinian Authority and Israeli Arabs.

Jewish Man, 84, Escapes Arab Mob Lynching in Qalandia

A week ago Saturday, Amnon Mokhtar, 66, from Petah Tikva, was murdered in a shooting attack in Qalqilya.

Former Jerusalem Mufti Indicted For Inciting Terror

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri was appointed by Yasser Arafat, and served as Mufti of Jerusalem from 1994-2006.

Large Fire Threatens IDF ‘Ofrit’ Military Base on Mt Scopus

Police suspect the fire was lit by arsonists and are searching for suspects in the area.

Support for Israel Grows: Argentine Senator Pledges to Back Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Argentine Senator pledges support for moving embassy to Jerusalem, echoing new President's commitment.

Early 20th Century British Coats-of-Arms Discovered on Jerusalem Building Walls

There’s also the shield of Jewish aristocrat Sir Edward Stern (1854-1933), uncle of philanthropist Vera Salomons.

1,500 Jews Visit Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day

The holiday marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Temple Mount, Western Wall and eastern side of the city, as well as Judea and Samaria.

On Jerusalem Day Labor Chairman Yair Golan Calls for a Divided Jerusalem

Man, I’d hate to spend quality time inside this man’s head.

Most Popular Video on Arab Social Networks: Jerusalem Day Multitudes at the Kotel

Tthe Arabs understand that the key to Jewish life on God's Little Acre is the Temple Mount. Now it’s time for the Jews to get the message.

Israel’s National Archives Releases 10,000 Files of City Census by Jerusalem’s Civil Guard

The Israel State Archives invites the public to search the site according to names and addresses.

Jerusalem Day 2024: Tefillin and Prayers on the Temple Mount

Beyadenu: "Ascenders are not afraid to wave the Israeli flag, sing Hallel, dance and rejoice at the liberation of Jerusalem."

Ahead of Jerusalem Day, Population Tops 1 Million

Housing construction in Israel's capital hit a new high in 2023.

UNRWA Ordered to Vacate Jerusalem Offices Over Lease Violations

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arieh King noted,"They’re building illegal buildings, they have petrol stations in places they’re not allowed to have."

It’s Like 1452 in Jerusalem and this Time It’s the Jews Punishing the Spaniards

The ban on Judea and Samaria Arabs setting foot in the Jerusalem consulate will come into effect as of July 6, 2024.

2300-Year-Old Gold Ring Discovered in City of David

The gold ring find and other discoveries show the city’s healthy economy and even its elite status.

Forest Fire Threatens Homes, Kindergartens in Jerusalem’s Har Homa Neighborhood

Due to the weather, Fire and Rescue Commissioner Rabbi Tafser Eyal Caspi signed an order this weekend prohibiting bonfires anywhere except in specially designated locations.

Committed to Studying 5 Religions in 6 Months, Content Creator Nas Daily Loves Judaism

In his latest video, Nuseir, who has upwards of 60 million followers around the globe, talks about Judaism.

Netherlands to Examine ‘Appropriate Time’ to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

The plan was approved by lawmakers of the four political parties seeking for form a Dutch governing coalition.

WATCH: Ambulance Driver Caught with Eight Illegal PA Arab Workers

The incident occurred on Route 44 at the Ofer checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Jerusalem College Offers Safe Haven Programs for US Students Fearing Antisemitism

JCT is offering accelerated enrollment for transfer students completing the current semester and those applying for admission in the Fall, as well as staff opportunities for faculty members.

Czech Republic to Move its Embassy to Jerusalem

This move is contrary to EU policy, which refuses to recognize the Holy City as Israel’s capital.


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