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The fact is there are many groups comprised of people who violate the Torah that are allowed to participate in the parade. So I felt unfairly singled out by the signers of the rabbinic declaration against attending the Celebrate Israel Parade.

There are so few Jews in the world and we, the Jewish people, have had so many enemies throughout the generations. Why do we need to fight with each other?


Daniel Weintraub
(Via E-Mail)

The Call To Boycott The Israel Parade (II)

A lot of Orthodox Jews have been very worried lately about Women of the Wall and by LBGT groups who wished to show their support for Israel by marching in the Celebrate Israel Parade.

Wouldn’t their time, energy and effort be better spent perfecting middot that many of them need to work on – like loving their fellow Jews and not speaking lashon hara – than by decrying others who don’t practice Judaism exactly like them but who find meaning and a connection to God in other ways?

I was not aware that Judaism, or supporting Israel for that matter, is a one-size-fits-all type of deal.

Tova Ross
Bergenfield, NJ


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