Dangerous is the only appropriate word. Whatever the merits of the “two-state” solution in the long run, the fact remains that now is the worst possible time to put this vision into practice. Gaza, left to the mercies of Hamas, is today one of the most violent places in the Middle East. So intense has been the rocket barrage of Israeli cities from “Hamastan” that Israeli troops in recent days have been forced to intervene to stop the endless assault.

Against this chaotic backdrop, the administration’s insistence that Israel turn over full control of the West Bank to the Palestinian authorities looks like a prescription for disaster. It is something the president would do well to keep in mind as he tours the territory under the kind of impeccable security that Israeli citizens will not be afforded once the West Bank becomes Palestinian domain.


President Bush legitimately can claim to be the most pro-Israel president in history. It would be a shame if he now sacrificed that impressive legacy for the promise of an illusory peace.


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