The science of graphology views handwriting as ‘brain writing’ – i.e., the character and the personality of the writer are revealed by each stroke of the pen; every slant of a letter, word and line; the size and shape of letters; the space between letters, words and lines; the use of space on the page; pressure, shading, and many other components.

George W. Bush: The primary characteristic of George W. Bush is his ability to change and adapt. He gathers strength from family and childhood experiences. Not having fully relinquished the need for nurturing parental figures, he continues to require a great deal of attention from others.

Despite his father’s prominence, it is his strong mother who has had the greatest influence on him. (His wife, too, has had a profound influence in shaping him.) This has helped shore up his deeply-felt beliefs and resolute determination to forge ahead with his convictions. Faith and moral certitude are uncomplicated and the sine qua non of his essence.

He pines to be understood, and despite his appearing to be ‘syntactically challenged’ is a most effective communicator. Clarity of message is what he demands from everyone, and he endeavors to present himself as an open book sans pretense, airs, guile or double talk. At times he lacks verbal caution, and has a tendency to reveal too much. 

Too often a youthful immaturity surfaces. His strong libido can lead to lack inhibition and poor impulse control. Physical restlessness demands exercise. Nonetheless, he demands from himself and others frankness, sincerity, and truthfulness. He will not promise anything until the last moment, when he is sure of his ground. He won’t take uncalculated chances, and periodically will stop to ascertain whether he has achieved that which he intended.

His innate ability to understand people, to offer heart-felt empathy and genuine gentleness, gives him an uncanny ability to connect and engender uncompromising loyalty. By nature he is kindhearted and a generous friend; his sociability and affability border on a need to be wanted and needed. In private he is little different from his public persona.

He often allows his intuition to guide him. Despite the general perception, he is an intelligent and a quick thinker – but not in a deliberative or organized manner. He can process information rapidly, but is not particularly original in his ideas or thinking. He dislikes wasting time, preferring a direct route to solving problems, and is well organized in managing his time and tasks. 

The relationship between self and the world at large is harmonious. His preference is for a universe inhabited by open, honest, fun-loving, down-to-earth and decent human beings. This is a rather romantic and naive view. He doesn’t spoil for a fight, but once engaged he won’t let up until he’s victorious. Under stress he can endure and call up a deep reservoir of resolve and stubbornness.

He’s an emotionally responsive individual who feels situations intensely. His sensitivity and genuine caring can at times make him feel pessimistic, but his adaptability and raw strength give him pause to shoulder on with no outward lapse of confidence. Criticism is not easy for him to bear, but he tends to cushion it with an unadulterated sense of humor. He can be fussy, fickle, and often tense and irritable.

The trait most apparent currently is his strong feeling that he must protect, lead, and take charge. His ability to adapt and his boundless courage will continue serve him well.

John F. Kerry: The primary characteristic of John F. Kerry is that he wears his dignity on his sleeve as well as his vanity, his patrician bearing and his perceived nobility. He is extremely status conscious and exudes an air of superiority, even arrogance.

He is intellectually thirsty, deeply philosophical, and an abstract thinker who explores and digs for knowledge, asks questions, and is most eager to learn. He possesses a very good memory but doesn’t absorb information quickly, is very bright and sharp with an agile mind and an ability to focus. Despite an ability to make quick decisions and eliminate unnecessary details he is, more often than not, given to proceeding too hastily. He can accept change, but, ironically, it must be gradual.

He is both a prolific dreamer and a die-hard iconoclast; if everyone is going one way, he’ll go the other. Privately, he’s a rebel with a defined cause. He prefers to present himself with a galloping self-assurance – a defense mechanism for poor self esteem – that is both practiced and habitual. He is ardent, driven, ambitious and a go-for-it type, but, sadly, not always successful due to haste.

He fills his life with people, activity, and things and can’t bear to waste space or anything else. He appreciates others, but with analytic detachment, like a critic, all the while expecting adulation. He opts for directness of approach, albeit with an attitude of calculation. His reclusive nature, which hides behind a facade of activity and talk, can be viewed as rather eccentric. Among his associates, he exhibits low frustration and a quick and marked irritation, often with flashes of intolerance. A very serious nature, with little patience for humor, further shapes his moods. 

He is easily envious of others and zealous in competing. This determination can be experienced as domineering and single-minded. His reserved persona actually belies warmth and caring, but he is compelled by history, proclivity and circumstance to adopt a dignified exterior and poker-face. 

Determined and task-driven, he is too often ruled by impulse and emotion – yet, remarkably, can exercise the utmost restraint. However, he is impressionable, very susceptible to influences of all kinds, and often gives in to instinctual urges. This leaves him very accident-prone in all areas where careful and correct judgment must be applied.

By nature he is honest, but exceedingly discreet. He appears as having a positive and quite optimistic attitude to life, but deep down is extremely fatalistic. Economic restraint doesn’t come easily to him.

Unresolved early emotional ties have left him sensitive yet resistant to sensuous involvement, which leaves him unfulfilled and in search of outlets, while being open-minded in the exploration of his physical and sexual energy. He is more anima than animus and strives hard to hide tendencies that might be considered sadistic and even masochistic.

His intelligence, idealism and drive will serve him well in life, especially if he can temper his impulsive haste and his unconscious self-destructive nature.


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Dr. Ari Korenblit is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice, a graphologist/handwriting expert and a Supreme Court-certified document examiner. He can be contacted at 212-721-4608 or [email protected].