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As a British Jew and a Citizen of the U.S. for 30 years, I believe I have good advice to give to European (including British) Jews regarding their physical safety in these new and frightening times.

Thousands of years of oppression and persecution have left a deep seated (and justified) fear of anti-Semites in our genes. When Jews are under attack, we go into a kind of helplessness, paralysis, and fear that is programmed in our DNA. This is natural for all peoples with a violent and oppressed past. Of course, the watershed “breaking the pattern” is the Jews’ defense of the State of Israel and its citizens – anywhere.


The incredible difference between American Jews and European Jews – is that Jews in the U.S have a choice: If they so wish – U.S. Jews as American citizens have a right to keep and bear arms. As long as they are law-abiding citizens, responsible, and otherwise in “good standing” – the authorities may not deny them possession of a legal firearm, or the right to carry a concealed handgun (in States so permitting). The Founding Fathers of the U.S. desired that no citizen should live in fear and hiding as – this would deny him his right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. The ever cherished 2nd Amendment Right was conceived for exactly the situation European Jews are now facing from Islamic Extremists.

Almost all U.S. police and security authorities recognize that “it takes minutes for the police to arrive to protect its citizens – whilst murders and mass killings happen in seconds!”. It is for this reason that authorities permit and often encourage its [law abiding] citizens to have training and fast access to firearms – to defend themselves until the police arrive.

Given that firearm ownership is a “privilege” in Europe (whilst a “right” in the U.S.), European Jews have the possibility of possessing/owning firearms on an ”as-needed” basis. Many Europeans are granted licenses to own guns if the authorities agree that strict criteria are met (e.g. hunting club membership, security work, etc.). The Swiss love their guns almost as much as the Americans!.

In my opinion, European Jews are now “in need”.

All the literature from Police, Security and gun experts, Firearms Training Companies report that a properly trained individual with a firearm has a huge impact on saving lives!

They delay the attackers from murdering at a fast rate (which is what they want) since the attackers are distracted and now have to focus their attention on removing the defender first. Both survivors and convicted killers report that the lack of resistance or confrontation is the key factor to the success of the killer in trying to achieve the maximum body count possible. Testimony from the Virginia Tech massacre and by Anders Breivik (who massacred almost 100 young people on the island of Utoya in Norway) reveals that victim paralysis and “cowering in the corner” made their [evil] task so much easier.

Security experts agree that one armed resister can reduce the body count by at least 50% !!

There is a ton of literature out there to support this position.

European Jews must overcome their irrational fear of guns and absorb knowledge from Israeli security experts and the mountains of literature from U.S. firearm and security organizations (especially the Jewish ones!) and make the mental shift from “victimhood” to “accountability”. What decisions and choices can I make – in my control – to protect myself and loved ones from an anti-Semitic attacker?

Here are some suggestions for taking responsibility to reduce the chances of getting severely hurt or murdered:

· First and foremost – Apply to the authorities for a firearms license.

· The case for “need” has never been more obvious. Temporary licenses may be easier to obtain. You may be surprised to learn that security officials who understand and appreciate firearms may be more supportive than you think!

· When you can’t safely leave the scene, train and learn to be effective with legal and available self-defense weapons/devices.

· These would include mace, pepper spray devices – especially those that forcibly project the stream longer distances – say 4-6 meters – where you can disable an attacker. A Swiss company makes a superb powerful (under pressure) 2-shot mace pistol.

· Stun guns (different fromTaser guns) that inflict severe pain. Again stun batons or stun canes give a more defensible area. A minimum of 1 million volts is necessary.

· Taser guns – where the authorities permit. After firearms, these are the most effective, since they shut down the nervous system and take the attacker to the floor.

· High piercing whistles

· Blinding flashlights

· Baseball bat or other such weighted clubs (even a golf club)

Again, statistics and evidence show conclusively that when an attacker is resisted or confronted, a new cost/benefit calculation is introduced into the situation. Nonresistance and capitulation will only ensure that the attacker will maim or kill you. It’s easy and “cost-free” for him. Even if you are scared and don’t have confidence in using a weapon, brandishing a weapon will now signal that there may well be a “physical cost” to the attacker – for this attack. This introduces some degree of delay, hesitation, unexpected change and will slow the momentum of the attacker. Of course there is a risk that the attacker may overpower you and use your weapons on yourself, but the end result will be the same as capitulation. In this case statistics are on your side, as often the attacker will back off – having lost his “no-cost” assumption.

· Brandishing a lethal-looking knife

Without expert training it is extremely dangerous to enter a knife fight. Given the above argument however, brandishing a lethal-looking knife in an aggressive manner will dramatically “up the ante” in the attackers cost/benefit calculation. Again, statistically, your chances of a back-off will greatly increase. He does not know for certain that you don’t have any experience in using a knife. If the attacker already has a knife and you paralyze or plead – he will absolutely use it and he will stab or kill you no matter what.

· Walk in groups of 3 or 4

Records show that most anti-Semitic attacks are many-on-one. This ensures a fast and cost-free result. Four Jews against 4 or 5 anti-Semites ….. a much more even cost to benefit ratio !

Jews [and all innocent people] need to learn not to be physical victims. By rational thinking, standing their ground and resisting violent hateful attackers (when escape is not possible), they are statistically improving their chances of surviving attacks – before the police eventually arrive.

…..Even though they are very scared and have little or no self-defense training.



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Ephraim Lawrence is a dual US/Israeli citizen citizen. He has served in the IDF and lived in Israel for 14 years and presently living in Reno, Nevada. He is a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms.