To do less would be to turn a blind eye to our brothers’ suffering and the loss of innocent blood.

Yes, God will avenge the suffering of his innocent people. Vengeance is not, however, our primary goal. Redemption is. Our faith is that God will vanquish the wicked so that we will be redeemed. What more appropriate time to express this trust and faith than on Seder night, the Layl Shimurim, the night of watching? On this night of geulah, when the Jews of Egypt were guarded and shielded from harm, Jews of every generation, b’chol dor vador, will also be watched and guarded.


We open our door not to voice vengeance upon the nations but in the full faith and expectation of redemption. Our trust and faith in God the Redeemer is unshaken and unshakable. And God flowers His garden with justice.


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Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran is an educator, author, and lecturer. He can be reached at [email protected].