When God brings about our redemption, there will be nothing we or the nations can do to stop it. No matter how filled the earth is with rebellion and moral pollution, at a moment He will choose, “His kindness [will] overwhelm us” (Psalm 117) and the rule of idolatry will end.

Do you think you will never see it? You are wrong. Yeshuas Hashem k’heref ayin – the redemption of God comes in the blink of an eye, when we least expect it. The moment is not ours, but God’s. The Prophet assures us, “In its time I will hasten it” (Isaiah 60:22).


He is the King. When it happens, it will be so blindingly fast that our mouths will drop open in amazement, as the jaws of the brothers dropped when the ruler said, “Ani Yosef” – I am Yosef. And then there will be no doubts, no recounts, no protests. God’s Rule will be blazingly clear to the entire universe.

K’sivah v’chasimah tovah. May this year be filled with blessings for Israel and for all those who love and obey the King of Kings.


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Roy Neuberger’s latest book is “Working Toward Moshiach.” His book “2020 Vision” is available in English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Russian, and Georgian. Roy is also the author of “From Central Park To Sinai: How I Found My Jewish Soul,” available in English, Hebrew, Russian, and Georgian, and “Worldstorm: Finding Meaning and Direction Amidst Today’s World Crisis.” Roy and his wife, Leah, speak publicly on topics related to his books and articles. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.2020vision.co.il.