The ‘road map’ has come and gone, buried in the circular file at the end of the desk – along with Oslo, Camp David and all the other ones not worth the paper they were written on. 

Ah, but we knew it was only a matter of time. You see, there was one fundamental flaw that has doomed each and every ‘peace’ effort from the get-go: It takes two to tango. And only one partner came to the dance table with peace on the agenda – Israel.

The other side has perfected the art of speaking two different languages from the same mouth. The Palestinian leadership smiled for the photo-ops, blamed Israel, got their handouts, and in English told the Western media they wanted peace. At the same time, in Arabic, they urged their young people to find paradise by strapping explosives on themselves and killing Israeli men, women, and children.

And what brave fighters they are, with no qualms about murdering folks who had the utter audacity to sit in buses, eat in pizza shops or drive their cars.

The Bush plan on global terrorism was doing really well when it meant giving the terrorists the business. When, to put it bluntly, it meant killing those who seek to take the entire world hostage through violence and terror. Those who delight in other people’s suffering, and actively pursue such an agenda, don’t respond to debates, pleas and human rights commissions. The only way is to eliminate them. Period. This policy worked wonderfully for the U.S. in Afghanistan and, in fact, in Iraq. It is also the only policy that will work for Israel.

While Israel keeps extending its hand over these ridiculous treaties, the Palestinian Authority and all its lunatic sub-organizations were playing the pretend game. Israel handed over land, money, and even weapons to the PA, in the hopes that the Palestinians would somehow police themselves. But the reality is that they are not interested in policing themselves. No, they had much better plans for the billions of dollars in international funds they received.

Forget about social reform, community improvement, multicultural exchanges, civic pride. Forget about building roads, decent housing, and boosting the economy. The vast majority of the money – after Arafat fattened his own personal accounts, of course – has been used for one major purpose: to purchase weapons to continue the war against Israel.

And so the road map has once again put Israel in a compromised position. But now, after the most recent horrific homicide bombing in Jerusalem – and, please G-d, may it be the last – perhaps the Israeli government, and hopefully the American government as well, has come to realize the truth. The PA isn’t interested in peace. It never was, and it sure as heck isn’t now.

We find ourselves smack dab where we started from. Square one. Only this time, the Palestinians have more money, more weapons, and more chutzpah.

I’ve written it before and I’ll write it again: It’s time to unleash the IDF in its full might and glory – particularly the Israeli Air Force, just as we Americans used our amazing air power in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Despite the hollow claims of many in the liberal media, there is indeed a military solution to the terrorist problem. In fact, it is the only one. Thank G-d we still have the upper hand and we’re not on equal military footing with the fanatic Muslim terrorist organizations. If the situation were reversed, well, the world would be a much different place – assuming there was a world left.

With that in mind, Israel – with or without U.S. assistance – must retake all the areas it relinquished and never depart from them again. Give any Arabs who wish to leave a 24-hour grace period to vacate the area. Those who choose to stay and fight, no problem. Just bring on the IAF.


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