Lenin’s famous ‘useful idiots’ quote is an especially fitting label for the self-proclaimed ‘peace activists’ currently opposed to the use of military force to free Iraq from the megalomaniacal grip of Saddam Hussein and his henchmen. There is so much that is morally wrong and perniciously ignorant with their position that it is impossible for a rational person to respect such efforts.

Astoundingly, all of their protestations are exclusively against America. Nowhere does one see spokespersons, placards or slogans indicating that Hussein bears any responsibility for, in fact, threatening the existence of civilization.


Has Hussein not murdered Iranians by the tens of thousands? Has he not murdered thousands more of his fellow countrymen, using chemical weapons? Did he not invade a neighboring country with the explicit goal of blackmailing the world by controlling a major portion of the planet’s energy source – oil?

Has he not thumbed his nose at United Nations resolutions requiring him to end all efforts to develop or possess weapons of mass destruction? Has he not used oil revenues from the UN’s oil for food and medicine program to obtain weapons of mass destruction – rather than feed his own people?

Has he not openly called for the destruction of Israel and paid bounty to the families of Palestinian suicide-murderers? Has he not consistently called for the destruction of America and regularly attacked our UN-sanctioned air patrols over the Iraq no-fly zones?

Has he not aided and abetted the Islamist fanatics who are at war with the United States? Is he not a proven human butcher who loves to torture those whom he chooses? Has he not shown that he is a mortal enemy of peace?

Is it not clear that this deranged and homicidal person has the desire and will to soon have the means to destroy the civilized world? Is it not plain that those advocating peace with this human monster have lost their moral compass? Is it not obvious that it is Hussein they should be protesting, not America?

Those who wish for peace with Hussein are obviously incapable of distinguishing between good and evil. As a result, they have zero credibility and are extremely harmful. What other conclusion can there be?

Incredibly, these pathetic individuals apparently are unable to recognize that while America is far from perfect, it is the only truly free social model in history, producing quality-of-life results for the human race that are beyond compare and that stem from the overt promulgation of individual liberty and personal moral accountability.

Conversely, these same individuals are in deep denial regarding the fact that when the Saddam Hussein model of coercion, despotism and tyranny is applied, the results have always been enslavement, torture and genocide.

If the threat facing us were not potentially an extinction-level event, this psychotic mix of protesters – neo-flower children, nihilistic pacifists, left-wing fascists, mad anarchists and those best described as pathologically naive – would be hilarious. Sadly, though, we are facing the greatest menace since Hitler, Tojo and Stalin – a menace even greater than that posed by the spread of worldwide communist imperialism in the latter half of the 20th century. Our enemies
– Hussein, bin Laden, Kim Jong Il and their sycophantic ilk ? desire to return the world to a social condition resembling the early Middle Ages. And given today’s weapons and computer technology, they have access to the capability to succeed.

Human beings have a great talent for reacting viscerally, ignorantly and irrationally. These negative traits were precisely what Lenin counted on when he described those whom he could manipulate to commit mass murder and spread totalitarianism as ‘useful idiots.’ Be assured that Hussein and our other enemies are watching and planning how they too can identify and use their ‘useful idiots’ to succeed in their malevolent efforts.

The current batch of cooperative dolts are those whose stated great intention is that of ensuring peace. Unfortunately, they are credulously attempting to make a deal with the devil to achieve this end. This is, and always has been, a fool’s errand. Because of the malignant ease of moral relativism – the denial that good or evil really exists – they are unwitting accomplices in the potential destruction of civilization itself.

As most of us know, this is not an overstatement – witness the death and destruction of September 11, 2001. Magnify that exponentially. Lenin would be proud.


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Vance McDonald is a freelance essayist and social commentator living in Los Angeles.