The American Orthodox rabbinic leadership of 1943 was given a cold shoulder and made it only to the stairs of the Capitol. Our group, however, was ushered into the Capitol and given a magnificent room where we enjoyed a kosher lunch buffet. A small parade of senators and representatives were eager to address us and let us know what they were doing to ensure the security of our beloved Israel.

In the decades since World War II, thanks to the hard work of groups like the OU, Orthodox Jewry’s relationship with our American government has improved radically. For this, all Jews should be thankful.


May God answer our prayers and see that our efforts on behalf of the entire Jewish people are blessed with success.


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Rabbi Akiva Males began serving as rabbi of the Young Israel of Memphis in the summer of 2016. Prior to that, he served as a congregational rabbi in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He can be reached at: [email protected].