The old expression “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it’s a duck” applies here. In the end, their conclusion remains the same – Jews are responsible for all the “bad” decisions of American Middle East policy.

The war in Iraq? It was American Jews who got us into it for the sake of Israel. Islamic extremism? It is the Jewish insistence on U.S. support for Israel that has brought us to this point. American public support for Israel? It is Jewish control and stifling of debate on campus, in the media and in Congress that misleads the public into support for Israel.


It is my hope that The Deadliest Lies will give chizuk (strength) not only to our young Jews but to individuals all over this country to make sure these anti-Semitic lies – which have caused so much pain and suffering to the Jewish people through the centuries – will not take root in America.

We will not be intimidated and paralyzed by Mearsheimer, Walt or Carter. We will continue to speak out for Israel because it is in the right, because it seeks peace and because America and Israel are on the front lines in the great globe fight against Islamic extremism and terrorism.


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