Most Democrats in Congress even opposed the first Gulf War, sanctioned by the United Nations and international law, against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and its bloody annexation of Kuwait.

And today, the liberal and Democratic world’s only concern with regard to Iraq, where America is engaged in the greatest current battle against organized evil, is how soon America can withdraw.


There were an even larger number of domestic issues that alienated this erstwhile liberal and Democrat. But nothing quite compares with liberal and progressive abandonment of the war against evil, the most important venture the human race must engage in every generation.

I can understand why a leftist would vote for the party not one of whose contenders for the presidency uttered the words “Islamic terror” in a single presidential debate. But I still cannot understand why a true liberal would.


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Dennis Prager is a popular nationally-syndicated radio show host, creator of, and the author of several books, including "Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.”