Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

Had they only known what the Torah had mapped out forthem, their heats would have been filled with elation rather than trepidation.

Similarly, all our journeys, be they personal or national, are guided by G-d. There is an ultimate goal, a destination to which we will all arrive. Our struggles are not in vain.


So when our journeys become difficult, when our hearts tremble with fear, let us recall Reuven, Aaron, and Boaz. Let us remember that we have not witnessed the end yet – and the end will be good. We are experiencing birth pangs, and difficult though they may be, we must hold fast. Very soon we will see that our sacrifices and sufferings were worthwhile.

The three recommendations the Torah gives for easing the birth pangs prior to Mashiach’s arrival – Torah study, gemilas chasadim, and Shalosh Seudos – are things we can all observe. There is no military training required; no SATS to get into a special school. It just takes a willingness to open our hearts and eyes and ears.

For Torah study, contact your local synagogue and join a Torah study program or join us at Hineni Center and chose a study session that fits into your schedule. (I teach on Thursday evenings at 8:30.) Additionally, our Hineni rabbis and rebbetzins can conduct Torah sessions in your home or office.

For gemilas chasadim, participate in a chesed outreach program such as visiting the sick or the elderly. Invite people for Shabbos. Help the indigent. There are a thousand and one chesed opportunities to choose from.

For Shalosh Seudos, set your table with two little challahs, some fish, and whatever else you like. You can invite some guests or you may choose to celebrate this meal just between you and G-d. Try to imagine you are setting the table for the Shabbat Queen who will soon depart. Recite or sing Psalm 23 and, if you wish, some other zemiros.All this applies to women as well, especially if there is no man in the home.

If you already uphold these three gifts, try to enhance them, making them even more beautiful and meaningful. Let us all invest more effort and together prepare to welcome Mashiach as he brings shalom to our people and all mankind.


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