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If Bubby and Zeidy are my model of the perfect marriage, my father is my model of kibbud av v’eim. An only child, he has always been a son par excellence (my cousin Naomi Mauer put it beautifully at the funeral when she said that my father was worth many sons), and he has always made my grandparents’ welfare, both physical and emotional, a top priority, with the help of my mother. Thanks to them, Bubby and Zeidy were able to be a part of so many facets of our lives, whether it was Sukkos at my parents’ home, Pesach together both at my parents’ home and at a hotel (which continued for me even after I got married, as my in-laws joined us for a beautiful extended-family Pesach, a tradition which continued for many years); at our school events, or simple family get-togethers. And Zeidy, who loved his family so much, always sat there kvelling.

Zeidy traveled extensively throughout his life. Now, his neshama has finally returned home. He brings with him a lifetime of accomplishments, but his greatest one is the generations that he’s built. May Aharon ben Yehoshua Zelig be a meilitz yosher for us all.


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Gila Arnold is a speech therapist and a journalist who writes frequently for The Jewish Press and other publications. She and her family live in Ramat Beit Shemesh.