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I think the acid test of a book is how it changes you. Well, I haven’t totally transformed yet but ever since I read the book I’ve been trying to be more compassionate to people, trying to remember to honor them more and see past their façade to their hopes and feelings and pain. This book isn’t just a good read. It makes you want to be a good person, a better person and it makes you believe you can, which is, again, a very Jewish perspective. And one of my hopes is that there will be more books by this talented and unconventional writer because although Berkowitz says he identifies most with the character of Theo’s father, he himself is a Hope Merchant.


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Rosally Saltsman's new book "100 Life Lessons I've Learned So You Don't Have To" is available for purchase in both hard cover and digital formats. Please contact Rosally at [email protected] to order a copy. You're sure to enjoy this humorous, insightful, poignant and instructional book.