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The Forward newspaper is celebrating Chanukah in their newsletter. But why did the Forward use an unlit Temple Menorah instead of a lighted Chanukah Menorah in this graphic? I don’t like to cast conspiracy theories, could this really be an accident? I am pretty sure it is because of one of the following reasons, I’m just not sure which one.

1) The Forward resents the hegemony of the Hasmoneans. This is a not-so-subtle dig at the tyranny of their rule. The flames of freedom were not shining anymore than this here Menorah, friends.


2) The Forward doesn’t really celebrate Chanukah. Just look how the spelled it – they spelled it the assimilationist way!

3) The demand for a Menorah got lost in Jewish translation. The secular graphic artist asked for a Menorah, and the hasidic typographer assumed the classic Temple Menorah was desired since a Chanukiah wasn’t specified.

4) The Forward paskins like Bais Shammai that the holiday mirth is diminished every night after the first night, but believe it is even more so this year. With all the excitement over Thanksgivukkah, even an unlit picture of a generic Menorah is more than enough.

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DovBear blogs at: DovBear. For lack of a better metaphor, please consider this blog a very large shabbos table, where we sit together and discuss the parsha, the news, and other events of the day. Sometimes we yell, often we gossip, and, once in a while, the talk turns salacious. Our arguments are lively, but at the end of the day, its all just talk. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of The Jewish Press