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Firas Press reports that Arab social media is buzzing about a baby born in Tel Aviv with one eye and no nose, who must be the Islamic “Dajjal” (equivalent to the Christian Antichrist.)

Muslim “experts” are explaining how this baby fits into Koranic prophecy, and how when he is 40 years old he will lead an army of 70,000 Jews and 70,000 Tatars and ignorant people will follow him and crown him King of Kings.


Click here’s to view the future destroyer of worlds. (It’s not a pleasant sight, as you can see from the above picture.)

The video is accompanied by text in Arabic which we Google translated:

Activists on “Facebook” have been showing a video of a small newborn baby with one eye in the middle of his forehead and without a slot for the nose, who was born in Israel and described it as “the Antichrist.”

The video received an enormous number of posts, because of the baby’s unusual features, which raised questions about the emergence of the Antichrist.

Dr. Mohammed Shahat, a member of the Islamic Research Academy, denied the child in the video is the Antichrist. He said in a telephone intervew: “The Antichrist will not appear until after the return of Jesus, peace be upon him … There is religious basis to confirm that the baby is the Antichrist who said he described in sacred books.”

Only one small problem.

This “cyclops baby” was really born in 2008 in Bolivia.

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