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Nov. 10, 2020

Representative Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.
1517 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Fax: (202) 225-4886


Dear Representative Omar,

You have criticized Israel for ethnic cleansing Palestinian people from a village in the Jordan Valley.

I am very happy that you oppose ethnic cleansing and would ask that you issue a statement criticizing the proposed ethnic cleansing of Jews living in the West Bank who according to statements from Palestinian officials will not be allowed to live there after the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Now you might take the position that Jews living in the West Bank are living their illegally and deserve to be ethnic cleansed, but that’s exactly what Israel said about the villagers who Israel claimed built a village without permits.

I know your sympathy is not with Israel, but fairness ought to be the bedrock of your commitment to represent the people of your district and America.

Sincerely yours,

Larry Shapiro,

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