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Last week, I was just minding my business trying to eat a quiet meal during a break at work.  I had gone to my usual outdoor “hang-out” which overlooks a large series of buildings in Sha’ar Binyamin, which house stores, offices and the Kupat Cholim Le’umit clinic.  I hear some sounds which made me look up…

They were almost directly over my head.  It was crazy enough for me to be sitting there under such cloudy skies, but these electricity repairmen in those little bucket things really frightened me.


I guess I hadn’t noticed them at first, since I generally look down when I station myself there to eat.  It’s usually a nice perch to see what’s happening down there.  I had never thought to look any place else.  Yes, I moved a way a bit, but I still took their picture.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.