Photo Credit: Original by: Miriam Alster/FLASH90
HaTnua Party Meeting

MK Amram Mitzna from Tzipi Livni’s HaTnua party said the Jewish Home (Bayit Yehudi) party is like Hamas without the terrorism, after Bennett (accurately) called Abbas an arch-terrorist, and (correctly) rejected the two-state solution. Mitzna said both groups have the same goals.

Jewish Home’s MK Ayelet Shaked had a sharp rejoinder when she pointed out this Mitzna, by sitting in the coalition, is thus sitting with Hamas.


Even PM Netanyahu said that Mitzna’s comments “crossed red lines” in terms of honesty and fairness.

Mitzna, has since tried to roll back and spin his comments by saying his words are being manipulated. Meanwhile he just keeps sticking his foot deeper into his mouth as he tries to not sound like an idiot. Mitzna explains that Jewish Home is like Hamas only because neither accepts a two-state solution.

First of all, good for Bayit Yehudi, because the only two-state solution we should be recognizing is the one involving recognizing Jordan as Palestine.

But as for Mitzna, let compare organizational goals. Mitzna’s party wants Israel to release terrorists. Mitzna’s party wants to expel Jews from parts of the Land of Israel. Mitzna’s party wants to sit with Abbas.

Quite curious, because, doesn’t Hamas shares those same exact goals?

Now obviously, Amram Mitzna is not calling for terrorism, but if we’re comparing goals (and ignoring terrorism, to use Mitzna’s words) I can’t tell the difference between Tzipi Livni and Amram Mitzna’s HaTnua party and Hamas.

Can you?

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