Photo Credit: Aharon Krohn / Flash 90
Former White House senior adviser Jason Greenblatt, speaking at an Israel Hayom conference in the Old City of Jerusalem last June 2019, while still an envoy to the Middle East.

Former White House “Deal of the Century” author Jason Greenblatt just threw out another BOMBSHELL about that sovereignty we thought we were going to apply (or start to apply) with US support this coming July (after we thought we’d be applying it within a few days, after the White House announcement).

Greenblatt told Arab News that if the PA comes to the negotiating table before the July 1st Israeli application of sovereignty, then he believes, knowing Trump, Kushner and Friedman, that the door will still be open. But once “annexation happens, then it happens”, implying that it will then be too late to do anything about it.


So, once again we have a rewriting of what we were sold.

Greenblatt seems to be clearly implying that the PA has the opportunity NOW to veto Israel’s application of sovereignty, simply by saying they want to negotiate, and then sovereignty gets frozen, or even taken off the table for the next 4 years while “negotiations” happen.

Does anyone remember that veto option being mentioned way back when?

To make matters worse, I am beginning to wonder if Netanyahu even knows the fine print of what’s actually written in the Deal of the Century.

It’s clear he knows what he’s been told over verbally by White House officials, but that doesn’t exactly match the text.

The Muqata previously pointed out that nowhere does the plan explicitly state that PA Arabs won’t be allowed to build in Area C, outside the Israeli sovereign areas. Whereas, it does make that restriction very explicit for Israel.

Makor Rishon chief editor Hagai Segal noted the same exact discrepancy and confronted Netanyahu about it in an interview in this weekend’s paper.

Netanyahu claimed that the PA is frozen in Area C too.

Netanyahu said it’s written there in the plan.

Segal pointed out that it is not written there.

We have to agree with Segal.

.C אני תוהה אם גם על הפלסטינים ייאסר לבנות בשטחי

“תשובתו הפסקנית: “זה לשני הצדדים

? C גם להם יהיה אסור לבנות בשטחי

“ברור. ברור”.

אבל זה לא כתוב.
“זה כתוב”.

Netanyahu also told Segal that the maps have not yet been finalized.

Very interestingly, Netanyahu told Segal that the government does not need a decision or statement to accept or ratify the plan nor to accept a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu already stated in Washington that Israel is ready to negotiate with the PA on the basis of the plan, and that’s sufficient.

Netanyahu is being so careful with his language. He doesn’t really talk about applying sovereignty “not before July”, but rather to about submitting the proposal to apply sovereignty to the Knesset after July 1.

The word that comes to mind is “gas-lighting”.

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JoeSettler blogs at The and occasionally on his own blog at