Photo Credit: Nour Shamaly/POOL/Flash90
Pope Francis touching the Suicide Bomb Prevention Wall on his way to celebrate a mass in the Manger Square, in Bethlehem on May 25, 2014.

I’m not surprised that the pope enthusiastically participated in the P.A.”chairman” (is it?)  Mahmoud Abbas’s media trick on Israel. I have been writing all along that the pope’s planned “even-handedness” was an affront against Israel by equating the State of Israel with that band of Arab terrorists. Video from the Catholic News Service.

He topped it off by insulting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a political/diplomatic faux pas that shouldn’t be ignored. The pope then invited Shimon Peres to meet with him and his buddy Abbas at the Vatican. Please remember that Abbas has been busy of late uniting his supposedly “moderate” Fatah organization with the unabashedly terrorist Hamas. And Shimon Peres’s position as “President of Israel” is supposed to be a totally ceremonial one with less political, diplomatic and policy power than the Queen (or if there is ever a King) of England has in Great Britain. 

The fact that Shimon Peres has always been involved in sneaky, actually illegal contacts and “diplomacy” without government authority is something that should have been stopped decades ago. Sarah Honig has written an excellent article about the illegal (and treasonous would you say?) diplomatic escapades of Peres and other extreme Leftists, which is worth reading yet again. I linked and quoted from it in Treason? Could Be, Couldn’t It?

• There is nothing Jewish in the principle of “turning the other cheek.” It’s a Christian thing which is used more to tell us Jews to shut up and take the insults and discrimination silently than anything a Christian would actually do.
• There is no such thing as a “joint Jewish-Christian heritage.” We worship G-d, and they worship a man.
• Their Bible denies the continued eternal legitimacy of the Jewish Bible.
It’s no surprise that the pope has been a very rude guest. The ultimate aim of his Catholic religion is the supplanting/replacement of Judaism aka identity theft. Actually Islam has the same aim. Now, here in Israel they are allied against us. In other parts of the world they are at loggerheads competing for power. The State of Israel should never have approved of the Vatican’s itinerary for the pope. It was a political, diplomatic and theological mistake!


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.