Photo Credit: Uri Lenz / Flash 90
Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon (L) with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

As Minister of Defense, Moshe Bogie Ya’alon should be perceived as supporting Israel’s IDF soldiers in a most difficult situation/war against our enemies, including the terrorists. Instead he has seriously and consistently veered Left in a very complicated war of words, ideas, bullets, knives etc.

Maybe he once was very much on the political Right and strong on defense etc. but since taking office as Minister of Defense, he has veered so far Left he makes Prime Minister Binyamin Bibi Netanyahu look good.


In the War of Arab Terror Against Jews, we are all on the frontline. At least those of us who aren’t guarded 24/7 and aren’t driven in protected cars, like Bogie. We know that terror is a “political mugging,” like the Biblical Amalek who preyed on the weak, and not some random acts of ordinary criminals who may be susceptible to de/reprograming and rehabilitation.

I am very disappointed in the reaction of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and her defense of Bogie. He has been interfering in the case against the soldier who shot the terrorist. His Left-sounding knee-jerk condemnation of the soldier is dangerously anti-Justice and anti-democratic.

Their bandwagon reactions are dangerous for Israelis all over, because they sympathise with the terrorists, rather than the Jewish victims and the IDF soldiers who are doing their best to protect us.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.