Photo Credit: Arie Leib Abrams/FLASH90

Now that the dust has settled, it seems certain that Bibi Netanyahu is poised to resume the position as Prime Minister in the new government.

In a surprising landslide victory, he has finally broken the deadlock which has plagued Israeli politics for too many years.


I will not dwell on politics as I am not a political pundit.

Rather, I will focus on lessons to be gleaned as to why the former coalition had no endurance despite it’s apparent unity of divergent political camps.

The former government of Bennett/Lapid was a coalition of eight parties: Yesh Atid, Blue and White, Yamina, the Labor Party, Yisrael Beiteinu, New Hope, Meretz, and the United Arab List.

Indeed, as they themselves pointed out and freely admitted, their coalition was based on what “shouldn’t be” rather than what “should be.”

By their own proud admission, their rallying cry was “Rak Lo Bibi,”- which translates as “Anyone, Just not Bibi (Netanyahu).”

They even had the initials רל”ב Reish Lamed Beit (which was so widely understood that even the Israeli press would use it), which stood for “Rak Lo Bibi.”

Chazal tells us in Pirkei Avos, “Any dispute that is for the sake of Heaven is destined to endure; one that is not for the sake of Heaven is not destined to endure.

Which is a dispute that is for the sake of Heaven? The dispute(s) between Hillel and Shamai.

Which is a dispute that is not for the sake of Heaven? The dispute of Korach and all his company.”

Chazal have taught us that the reason for the impossibility for Korach and his followers to endure was that their dispute was unified only in its opposition to Moshe and Aharon.

However, even between the various Korach factions, there was strife and disunity.

Indeed, Chazal pointed out that the Mishna says the dispute was also between Korach and all his company!

A coalition of those who, in reality, are enemies and are unified only for the sake of their enmity of a common enemy can never endure.

That is why the Cold War set in immediately following World War Two, and the Nazis were defeated.

America and the Russians were only united because of their hatred of the Nazis, not because they had any common ground between them. Once the Nazis were defeated, the Americans and the Russians became (and remain) bitter enemies.

This is a great lesson for us.

If you want to make Shalom, don’t look for the common enemy that all can hate.

Rather, seek out productive and constructive areas where different groups can be united to build and improve.

Such coalitions based on looking for reasons to love and to build will endure.

Coalitions built on hate without a true desire to create rather than destroy will ultimately fail, as is evidenced by Korach.

A coalition of haters has no endurance.

We hope and pray that the incoming Knesset will look for ways to unite the dividing factions in Israel; to foster love and understanding.

And the lesson cannot be lost on us.

Too often, we join forces with people to bring down those we don’t like.

When we disagree with someone, we should not align ourselves with forces we ideologically oppose, yet, we justify such a partnership to defeat our foes.

A partnership built on common hatred of another has no endurance.

A true coalition, especially of divergent opinions, can only endure when they seek common ground to build, improve and foster love among all of Klal Yisroel.

Rav Aryeh Levine, the great Tzaddik of Yerushalayim, once commented to Prime Minister Ben Gurion, “I daven you should have to surrender your office very soon to allow Mashiach Tzidkeinu to take your place. For only he will truly bring about enduring Achdus among our people.”

May Rav Aryeh’s Bracha be fulfilled speedily and in our days.

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Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman is rav of Congregation Ahavas Israel in Passaic, New Jersey. His book, “The Elephant in the Room,” is available either directly from the author or at